Tuesday Sept 21

(FADEIN:A door. The nameplate reads "R. Harders: Co-Commisioner. Inside, two distinct voices can be heard.)

RH:....going to make my decision on that after the card. You understand, right?

POISON IVY:Oh, yeah. Not a problem. I think it's a good idea.

RH:One last thing on my agenda for you.... Steve Radder declaring himself the Intercontinental Champion in the name of "The Family."

IVY:What about it?

RH:You and Eli brought the "Family" name with you back to the EWI. Officially, I should suspend you or fine you.

IVY:You've gotta be f***in' kidding me.

RH:What do you want me to do, Ivy? My hands are tied. If I don't discipline you somehow, it'll look to Manifest Destiny in general, and Lone Wolf and K-9 specifically, that we're playing favorites. And as commisioner, I have to remain impartial.

IVY(Defeated):Alright.... this is fuckin' ridiculous though. How much is it gonna cost?

(A buzz is heard from the intercom)

SECRETARY:Mr. Harders?


SEC:Your wife is here.

RH:Great. I'll be right out.


RH:Come with me.


RH:You owe the EWI a fine. And to pay it off, you're taking my wife and I out to lunch.

IVY(Laughing):"Yes, sir."


The camera focuses in on Gemini standing outside the arena in the early afternoon. Gemini stands out in the sun by a ramp. He's not wearing his makeup, just casual jeans and a t-shirt. The only real giveaways are the massively muscled left arm, and the very unique hairstyle. He looks very relaxed, but he seems to be waiting for something.

A short while later, a van pulls up. Gemini perks up and waves.

Two men get out of the van, and the suspension releases a surprisingly large amount. The first man is GIGANTIC. At least seven and a half feet tall. The second man is huge as well, but he's about 6,4 and maybe oh... 500 lbs.

Gemini, laughs and walks over to the two massive men. They chat briefly, then walk around to the back of the van. The larger of the two men opens the van, then hands Gemini a large duffelbag. Gemini shrugs it over his shoulder, then continues talking to the two large men.

The discussion lasts a few minutes longer, then the two men give Gemini friendly punches on the shoulder. And jump back in the van. They talk through the window for a few minutes, then the van starts up and drives away.

Gemini watches them go, his face surprisingly sad. He stands there for a few minutes, staring at the street that the van went down. Finally, he turns and walks into the arena.

(Cut to MWC's Genesis PPV.)

(Martin comes out and waits by the ramp way as Kross walks away from the ring. When he gets up to Martin he just stairs at him for a second then gives him a big hug and they walk to the back.)

BS: I can't believe what we have just seen. Martin and Kross have been in cohoots all along.

MP: Yeah baby shagadelic plan.

(Voice Over): Two men with a plan.

(Cut to later that night, Kross against Jackson.)

MM: If you'll excuse me!

BS: Martin left with a chair and heads towards Jackson. Oh my, he hit him right across the back. Jackson went to get up again, he got hit right square in his head. He is outcold. Martin rolls Jackson into the ring. Kross grabs him and sets him up with a suplex. He then drops him with the Brass Bomb.

MM: (a little out of breath.) 1....2...3 and my man retains!

VO: Two men out of control.

(Cut to Heatwave in New York.)

(Martin enters the ring to a loud chorus of boos. He grabs the mic from Kross, and just stands, waiting for the croud to be quiet.)

Martin: It's about damn time you shut your mouths. [boos] I didn't come out here to listen about how much you people hate me. I didn't come out here and whine about Genesis. I've come out here for one reason, and one reason only .... To Make a Challenge.

Steve Radder, your walking around with what should be MY Extreme Title. So what I propose is, the next Heatwave, you give me a rematch. But not just any ordinary extreme match, you can pick whatever kind you want. That's right, whatever kind of match you want, I'll accept. I'll be waiting for your answer.

VO: One challenge.

(Cut to MWC's Domination. Radder vs Flair in a megacage match.)

JS:Radder does indeed get up, as he tosses the chair outside and locks up with Flair! Flair, having the height, weight, AND strength advantage, sends Radder into the corner! He's got the Iceman by the throat, and he's chokeslammed out of the corner!

IVY:I thought this match would be a bit longer. But, Eli's setting up a table on the outside, so it looks likethe KING of EXTREME is wrapping things up.

JS:Wait... Flair is setting YET ANOTHER TABLE up, on top of the last one! He picks Radder up... and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex, and sets him up on the table!



JS:Flair to the top rope... SPLASH! Both men crash through two.. count 'em.. TWO tables, and hit the floor! Remember, this is falls count anywhere! The referee makes the count..

(A little later…)

IVY:There are bloodstains showing on your BLACK tuxedo, Jim... I think things are already messy.

K:How can he use that thing?

IVY:No DQ, kiddo.

JS:Eli is climbing the cage again, albeit slower this time... Radder tries the same trick as before, but Eli tripped him up with that cane! FLAIR AND RADDER ARE ON THE TOP OF THE CAGE!

K:And thankfully, Flair sent the cane back to the floor.

JS:Where it was deftly caught by Poison Ivy. Nice catch.

IVY:Hey, I try.

JS:They're exchanging punches now, and the roof of that cage looks like it's wavering just a little! This thing could collapse in on itself with al the weight on top of it!

IVY:Forget that, one or both of 'em could fall from the top and end a career REAL quick.

K:Don't say it. Don't even THINK it!

JS:Flair... oh my god... Flair's got both of Radder's arms hooked.... OVERHEAD BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX! RADDER FALLS TWENTY FIVE FEET TO THE FLOOR!

VO: The other, the challenged, a pro at what he does.

(Cut to Heatwave in New York)

BS: And Radder steps through the ropes, advancing on Lone Wulf, who is slowly backing off. What's this? Radder's dropped the chair! He extends his hand, as if to shake, and ... Lone Wulf, takes it, hesitantly.

Radder yanks Lone Wulf towards him, and kicks him square in the crotch. Radder then spins him around, and to the fan's delight, hits Lone Wulf with an Absolute Zero on the chair. Radder then steps out of the ring, grabs the Extreme Title, which he left with the time keeper, but also the Intercontinental Title and a microphone. He steps back in the ring and drops the IC Belt over the prone bodies in the ring.

Steve Radder : Now if you two idiots could hear me, I'd tell you to listen up. You can't, but I'll tell you anyway. LISTEN UP.

The fans pop, but begin to quiet themselves.

Steve Radder : This is the VERY CLOSEST you two will EVER get to carrying a belt other than the ones you use to hold up your jeans. I mean that. [He points at Lone Wulf and K-9.] Put together, you two might have the brains to outsmart a Three Toed Sloth. You might also have the wrestling talent put together to take out a koala bear. The only way you have EVER done anything, and any of your friends ever have, is by attacking in groups.

This ... [He gestures to the carnage in the ring.] Is for everyone you've ever screwed with. For EVERY match Manifest Stupidity has ever interfered in, this is part of the payback. Do you get the message? Steve Radder will NO LONGER sit back and let a pack of idiots like you guys run wild. No more fans booing because the match they wanted to see didn't end.

Listen up in the back : At the PPV, I screwed Zieba and Harders. Today, I screw YOU.

He steps up on the middle turnbuckle in one corner. And puts a mock-serious look on his face.


Radder pauses while the fans slowly begin to cheer louder and louder.

Steve Radder : Representing ... THE FAMILY ..

The cheers turn into a roar.

Steve Radder : ME!

The fans who were not already on their feet, leap up to them, while Radder steps from the ring carrying the Intercontinental and Extreme Titles.

VO: The other with a plan as well….

The camera pans around the crowd showing off thousands of fans in the Boston Garden, all weilding signs and all ready for a good time.

BS: Welcome everyone, I'm Bret Sanders…

MP: And I am Mike Danger Powers….

BS: It is Shockwave in Boston. Tonight we have got a great line up for you, with some promising new talent as well.

MP: We have got three cage matches and five other groovy matches.

BS: Running down tonigths line up we have got, Evan Aho vs Hellfighter. Two promising talents, and Aho is a rookie.

MP: Aho has impressed me with his awesome array of moves and his talent on the mic as of late.

BS: Hellfighter, from what I have heard, is one of the front runners for the IC Strap. That shouldd be a great match. Then we head off to Pat Black vs new comer Jamie Baker.

MP: Yeah baby, Black is back in Black.

BS: Say what?

MP: Umm…I said nothing, absolutely nothing.

BS: Umm, okay…anyways, then things head towards Gothic Alchemy vs Tee Sledge and DR Deputy, Two new comers.

MP: Tea? Is it Tea time already? Groovy.

BS: Then we should have Flair vs Gemini. A falls count anywhere match. I am telling you, it is good to see Flair back.

MP: I heard that Gemini is a real swinger, yeah baby!

BS: What do you mean?

MP: I heard he was really liking what happened last week., what a swinger!

BS: Oh my, I don't think he will like that. Anyways, then we have got the return of the IC Title match, this time in a cage.

MP: Oh Lord, again? Didn't we have that already? Major bummer.

BS: In their prior two matches, you have Lone Wulf winning and then you have Radder interferring. I am excited to see this match finally come to an end.

MP: I have just had enough of these two, someone shoot them, shag them or something. Hey maybe we can get Gemini to help.

BS: You are terrible. Anyways, then we move onto Cassanova Clique vs Simply Stunning. Another return match from New York.

MP: Groovy, I can never get enough of those English gents, yeah baby.

BS: Then the main event, we run into Steve Radder vs Matt Martin. Radder being the obvious fan favorite to win the World Title.

MP: Yeah baby, he needs to get through Martin first and retain that Extreme.

BS: No matter, he needs to pound on everyone, and take the title. Now, lets get ready to wrestle baby!

BS: Well coming up first is a match I have wanted to see. Two good people in Hellfigher and new comer Evan Aho set to do battle.

MP: Oh it's not gonna be that great.

BS: Why do you say that?

MP: They have no valets.

BS: (shakes his head) And in a warped way I knew that was coming.

Evan Aho vs. Hellfighter

6'0", 234lbs | 6'11", 290lbs

Seatle, Washington | Kansas City, Missouri

"Blood, Milk and Sky" - White Zombie | "Revolution" from Kirk Franklin

This match started off in total fairness. Hellfighter, the leader of the Nu Nation Revolution, came out to the center of the ring and offered his hand which Aho quickly shook and the match got on the way. In the beginning it was a stand still with the one always trying to get the best of the other. During one point of the match Hellfighter sent Aho into the ropes and was about to hit with a clothesline, but Aho ducked it and hit the other side of the ropes. On the way back Hellfighter ducked for a back body drop, but Aho leapfrogged over. On the way back Hellfighter went for a hiptoss, but Aho blocked it. Hellfighter then put a fist in Aho's midsection and placed his leg on top of Aho's head so that he could flip over. Once he did his sumersalut he then went for a shortarm clothesline, but Aho ducked that one and caught Hellfighter with a jumping neckbreaker.

BS: And this match has been back and forth! One always trying to get the best of the other, but it just won't happen.

MP: They want to get my attention. Here's a hint. Get a valet squares!

BS: You just never learn do you?

Later on towards the match Aho tried to captalize on a mistake made by Hellfighter. Once Hellfighter was on the canvas Aho went to the outside and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Once he came off, in hopes of hitting a frog splash, he was met with legs lifted into his midsection. This gave Hellfighter the break he needed to attack Aho when he was down. He quickly got behind him and hit with a series of German Suplexes.

BS: And Hellfighter is laying down the law with the Freestyle Slamdance on Aho!

MP: He is doing rather well in there tonight.

BS: That he is.

MP: Of course he would be doing alot better if he had a nice little sweetie of a valet screaming instructions to him from the outside.

BS: Is that the only thing on your mind?


BS: Unreal.

Towards the fifteen minute mark Hellfighter was about to go for his finisher, The Crossface Hell Slam, but he couldn't pick up a limp Evan Aho. He tried several times, but at this point Hellfighter was running out of steam as well. He backed up towards the ropes and was about to come off with a elbow, but Aho quickly and suddenly jumped to his feet. Hellfighter shocked tried to catch Aho with a punch, but Aho blocked it and threw several punches of his own until he backed him up to the ropes. He then whipped Hellfighter to the other ropes and was about to connect with fist, but Hellfighter ducked it and went to the opposite side of the ropes. When he came off he hit Aho with a spear that lifted both people in the air which both came crashing down hard.

BS: And both men are down and the ref is starting his ten count.

MP: Count to ten, get it done, and punish them for not having valets.

BS: Stop you. He's up to five and there is litttle movement from both sides.

MP: Stay down people. Do us a favor.

BS: And he's up to eight, nine....wait Aho is up!

Aho is the first one and he sees that Hellfighter is trying to get to his feet. Aho runs into the ropes and tries for something, but Hellfighter stops him in his tracks with a boot to the midsection which he then turns into a powerbomb. Hellfighter then climbs to the second turnbuckle and takes in the approval of the crowd. He then goes to the third turnbuckle and leaps off with a moonsaut, but nobody is home on the canvas for Aho quickly moved out of the way. Aho is quick to take advantage of Hellfighter's mistake by getting in front if him and going for his finisher The Ecstasy, but he can't lift the big man so instead Hellfighter lifts up and back body drops Aho. Hellfighter then picks up Aho and whips him into the ropes. Aho comes off and goes for a clothesline, but wraps around Hellfighter and instead turns the move into an inverted DDT.

BS: And the ref is going for the count. One, two, th-NO! He just kicked out!

MP: Oh yea groovy.

BS: You're eyeballing the cameragirl again aren't you?


Aho then went to pick up Hellfighter and slung him into the corner. He then ran in to try a monkey flip, but Hellfighter caught him in a chokeslam and brought Aho down hard. Hellfighter then tried a cover of his own, but he only got a two count for his efforts. He then picked up Aho and tried to whip him into the ropes, but Aho reveresed it and instead whipped Hellfighter in. Coming off Hellfighter caught a leaping Aho in the air and came down hard with a powerslam. Again Hellfighter went for the count, but again he only got two. Again Hellfigher whipped Aho into the ropes and he ducked to either try a back body drop or another spear, but what he didn't expect was for Aho to return so quickly. Aho came back and caught Hellfighter's head between his legs. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Aho hit with his finisher The Ecstasy (vertical Pedigree/piledriver) and got the much deserved three count.

Winner: Evan Aho

BS: And it's Aho with the upset victory over Hellfighter! What a match!

MP: It's over? Bring on the ladies!

BS: Will you stop. And Hellfighter is just coming to and Aho is helping him up. He's asking if he's O.K. and he offers his hand Hellfighter returns the shake to the enjoyment of this crowd.

MP: Oh yea. The crowd is behind them, but they would've been behind them more if they had valets!

BS: You're just lacking tonight aren't you? Coming up next folks we'er gonna have Jamie Baker take on one of the contenders for the World Title at Black Ice. The PPV in Jersey! And that match is coming up NEXT!

(Cue up All Star by SmashMouth, out comes Bret Kross, TV Title around waist, and mic in hand)

BS:Kross? He is facing Cruise later tonight, but whats he doing now?

MP:I don't know, but I'm still mad at him for wrecking the Simple Stunning match at Heatwave, nasty sailor!

Kross:You know, it seems everytime I come out here, you people get louder and louder, QUIET DOWN.(the fans ignore Kross and yell even louder) Now, later tonight, that no talent moronic hack named Crippler, will be in for the beating if his life, but first I have a special surpirse for everyone. I FOUND COMMANDO!!

BS:What? Kross found Tasker. Where? How?

MP: Yeah baby, now we won't have to see Lone Wulfy and K-Bow wow wrestle.

Kross:Thats right. And right now, I am going to defend MY TV Title against him!! That's right, two TV Title defenses in one night. Bring him out.

MP:This could get interesting baby.

(Cue up "One Nation" by Ice Cube and George Clinton, out walks a Bum wearing a MD shirt that says WILL WORK FOR FOOD, a stirophone EWI IC Title belt, and behind him, is a drag queen)

Kross:Looks, like Commando still thinks he's the champ.

BS:This is ridiculous.

MP: You're telling me, now we have to see that retarded match.

(the Bum makes his way to the ring and gets in)

Kross:Good, to see you Alan.

Bum:Good to be here

Kross:Where have you been?

Bum:Well, I got lost.

Kross:Lost where?

Bum:I don't know, thats why I was lost.(he points to the Drag Queen)Casey found me.

Kross:(Laughing)Casey, how are you?

Drag Queen:(in a deep voice)Good.

Kross:Well, enough, talk we have a match scheduled.

Bum:Yes we do, lets go at it.

(he pulls Kross over to him)

Bum:(Whispering)This is fake right.


(with that, Kross, punches the Bum down, he comes off the ropes for a leg drop, and now he goes outside, grabs a chair, he gets back in the ring, and hits the Drag Queen over the head with the chair, he places the chair down, grabs the Bum and delivers the BRASS BOMB on the chair)

BS:This is sick. Someone stop him, he is out of control.

Kross:Commando, where ever you are, that's what is going to happen to you, when you decide to show your face in the EWI. Except, you probably will put up a less of a fight. Stay hidden for as long as you want, I know you fear me, but once you decide to come out of the shadows, I will be waiting. And it will just be one BRASS BOMB, that makes you go back into hiding.

(Kross leaves, as paramedics rish the ring to help the bum and drag queen)

BS: Well that was interesting to watch.

MP: Are you kidding? That was great baby YEAH!

BS: Well coming up next we have two new comers ready to battle in their first match for EWI.

MP: Oh yeah. You have the young rookie Jamie Baker who will bring his sweet tart to ringside. Then you have the veteran Pat Black who will be bringing his tasty dish to the ring as well.

BS: I am so glad you are into this match.

MP: Oh yeah baby. Maybe they might get in the ring to and have a shagadelic cat fight. Meow!

BS: Thank you Vickie for not being here.

Jamie Baker vs. Pat Black

6'0", 234lbs | 6'3", 280lbs

Seatle, Washington | Atlantic City, New Jersey

Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit | 'Black Sabbath' - Type O Negative

Once the match started Black gained quick control. Baker tried to hit with a couple of quick moves, but Black was just to powerful and ready for his first match in EWI. At one point Baker came off the ropes and caught Black waiting to deliver a back body drop. Baker stopped in his tracks and connected with a boot to the face which got the big man reeling back. Baker then came off the ropes again and attempted to hit with a hurriciana, but Black held his ground and turned into a powerbomb. Of course Black had his share of ring rust as well. At one point Black just got finished hitting Baker with a series of punches in the corner. He then walked away and turned his back on his opponent. While Black was talking to Lady Death about something Baker managed to shake the cobwebs out of his system. Once Black turned around he was met with a spear from Baker. After the five minute mark the match continued to go back and forth until the arena lights began to flicker. Soon following Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson began to play over the PA System as Gemini made his way to the ring area. Black, whom at the time just finished hitting a spinebuster on Baker, notices Gemini making his way to the ring. He sees the bloodthirsty smile Gemini has on his face and quickly whips Baker into the corner and stares at the man coming down to the ring.

MP: Oh what could they want?

BS: They? I don't see anyone with him.

MP: You know....Gemini. Him and him.

BS: Well 'they' just grabbed a microphone.

G: So you... are the new lord of darkness. The bringer of fear, a lover of pain, a disciple of despair. They're all pretty words, BUT WE DON'T THINK YOU GOT IT PUNK! We look at you, and we don't see 'it'. We don't see what you need to have to be in our league. WE THINK YOU ARE A FRAUD! But we are always generous Mr. Black, we are always willing to provide a lesson. Watch us... and learn

Gemini's hand snaps out and grabs the startled Lady Death by the hair. She struggles briefly, but he locks her into a reverse DDT and drops her on her head on the concrete. Gemini pops back up to his feet, but lady Death lays on the ground curled into a ball, moaning and holding her head. Everything in the ring stops. Black stares at Gemini, as well as the ref, Baker and his valet.

BS: MY GOD! Did you see what that monster just did?

MP: Can't say I can agree with what they did. I kinda have this medieval mojo for Lady Death.

Black flips back his hair back, then vaults over the ropes to the concrete. He calmly walks up to Gemini and stares him in the eye. Nobody flinches, and the crowd drops to a low murmur. Suddenly, Black snatches the microphone out of Gemini's hand. Gemini tenses, a broad, manic grin on his face, but Black doesn't attack, he merely raises the microphone to his mouth and speaks.

PB: It's obvious, Gemini, that you haven't done your homework! It's obvious, that you don't know who you are dealing with. And it's obvious Gemini that you are the one, AND I DO MEAN 'ONE', in need of a lesson. So you LEARN boy, and you LEARN good.

Black shoves the microphone back into Gemini's chest, Gemini tenses but once again, Black doesn't attack. He merely turns from Gemini and bends down to the fallen Lady Death. He helps her up to her feet, and leads her a few steps away. Then he suddenly spins her into a powerbomb. With a savage fury he spins her slight body up, then smashes her down through the table!

BS: What the? I don't believe what I've just seen. Pat Black just put his own valet through a table!

MP: What did that poor woman do to them I'll never know.

The reaction is uniform, Baker, the ref, the crowd, the announcers are even stunned. The only one not stunned is Gemini. He's laughing like a maniac, laughing so hard that he can barely stand. Black calmly surveys the wreckage, the crushed table and the unconscious Lady Death. Then he turns and jumps back on the apron. Baker is standing now, and mostly recovered, but he looks shocked.

JB: You sick Son-of-a-----

Before Baker can finish his sentence he is caught off-guard with a boot to the midsection and nailed with a Jackhammer. After that Black then climbs to the top rope and hits Baker with the Fade to Black (450 splash). After that three seconds seemed like an eternity for Jamie Baker.

Winner: Pat Black

BS: And Pat Black is your winner of this match up. And I can honestly say it was a interesting match all together.

MP: Well at least he didn't forget about Lady Death. Black just picked her up and carried her to the back. He put her threw a table....

BS: Wonders will never cease to amaze me here in EWI. Well coming up next we've got Gothic Alchemy taking on Tee Sledge and his manager Deputy and that one is NEXT!

BS: We're back at the Boston Gardens bringing you Shockwave from EWI! Coming up next we have an interesting match of sorts.

MP: Seems it all started when Sledge wanted the spotlight. Well now he's gonna get it in the form of The Gothic Alchemy and those cats aren't ones to play.

BS: Very true. Let's get to the action.

The camera focuses in on a doorway, open just a crack. The camera peers in briefly, the flickering digital clock in the bottom right corner shows it's almost an hour and a half to match time. Nobody seems visable, and the camera nudges the door open. A figure hunches over the bench, sifting through a large duffelbag. The camera focuses in on the left arm, the massive left arm and it shows a single tattoo. The tattoo is of the oriental symbol for chi, but the black half of the chi is bleeding down into the white. It's obvious that the figure is Gemini.

The microphone on the camera barely picks up the voice, but it's clear enough for the most part to be heard.

"Just like Christmas.... whee!... oh man!... We can't believe that they sent us this!.... What's this here?... My, My....Titan, you unbelievable ^^%^$^&^*^*!.... Oh Flair.... we almost feel sorry for you..."

The camera nudges the door open with a loud squeek, and Gemini snaps his head around. The camera focuses on a long, black mettallic object in his hand for a brief second, then Gemini's foot snaps up and smashes into the door.The thundrous strike actually smashes the door and knocks the camera flying. The image stops and focuses on a single figure in the hallway, although the image is sideways. It's a tech, sprawled flat on his back. Groggily, he raises himself up on his elbows.

"Man... ugh... I need to ask Mr. Harders for a raise."
