The Gothic Alchemy (Goth & AC) vs. Tee Sledge and D.R. Deputy

Combined Weight: 460lbs | Combined Weight: 420lbs

Las Angeles, California | Boston, Mass.

"Engel" by Romstein | Mother - Danzing

Out first came Tee Sledge and D.R. Deputy to a so-so reaction. Upon entering the ring, D.R. grabbed the mic and went to town.

DR DEPUTY: Gothic Alchemy it seems that we got your attention on heatwave, but did you pay attention to the contract I signed. Didn't think so! Since I am a manager and you two are wrestlers. One of you has to wrestle with your arm tied behind your back! It was in the fine print boys. You have got to pay ATTENTION to the details.

BS: Now what in the hell is this?

MP: Oh yeah baby, major stipulations, you know you can't beat them.

BS: I wouldn't want to be the ref who has to tell GA they have to do this.

MP: Damn man, I wouldn't want to be the one to hold onto those dogs.

BS: And here comes Gothic Alchemy!

Gothic Alchemy came out with their dogs to a huge fan pop. They were none to pleased with their newly found obligation. Upon entering the ring, they were cursing out everyone, even the guy taking their dogs. It took a few minutes of personal assistance by many refs to calm down GA. When they finally got them calmmed down, the ref started tying Goth's arm behind him, leaving only one useful arm for Goth. At that moment Tee Sledge and DR attacked both Goth and AC. Sleedge went after Goth, attacking his one arm. Dropping him with several arm bars, and wrenching it straight across his back, while DR went after AC. He dropped him with several shots with a chair on the back of his head.

MP: Woah baby, Holy Plan Batman.

BS: This is totally unneeded, AC is getting slammed into everything by DR on the outside, while Sledge has got Goth in the ring.

MP: Yeah baby, focusing on that one arm, dropping a big leg across it.

BS: Sleedge has got Goth set up for a suplex, Goth hooks the leg, one arm suplex by Goth!

MP: Groovy baby, now that is Power!

BS: Goth slowly gets up, keeping his one arm close to his side. He helps Sledge up, a drops him with a drop kick, both are up quickly, arm drag by Goth. Up quickly again, Sledge sends Goth into the ropes, knee drop. Goth up quickly, swing by Sledge, duck by Goth, Russian leg sweep.

MP: AC being sent into the ring post, reversal, DR into the post, dropping quickly. AC, up on the apron, ready to help Goth. Yeah Baby!

BS: Goth sends Sledge into the ropes, AC uses the ropes for leverage and nails Sledge with a slingshot clothesline. DR up on the apron.

MP: Ever wonder why they call him Deputy? I wonder if he is like Deputy Dog? I wonder if he shags like him?

BS: Would you shut up? Oh my, DR just nailed Goth with a chair, right in his back. AC goes off the oposite ropes and nails DR with a suicide dive, right over Goth's head. Sledge gets up, Goth does also, Sledge nails Goth with a pedegree. He covers him.


MP: Kick out, Yeah baby!

BS: Sledge picks Goth up, A huge DDT by Sledge. 1…….2……kick out! What fortitude by Goth!

MP: Groovy baby! Sledge picks Goth up, uppercut by Goth, he runs into the ropes….slingshot moonsault off the middle rope. He drops Sledge.

BS: AC, finally getting up from the dive hops into the ring. Goth gets up and sees AC, Goth heads for the turnbuckle. AC picks up Sledge and sets him on his shoulders…..He hits the Gothic Device (moonsault) on Sledge. AC follows up with a moonsault off the middle rope and hooks the leg.


BS: DR finally gets up and rushes the ring, Goth hits him with a lariat.


MP: Goth grabs DR and nails him with a one arm pile driver, groovy!



BS: What a match! Topsy turvey, beatings everywhere. We almost drew blood!

MP: It would have been great if we drew blood baby!

BS: What can be better?

MP: We still got more of a happening card to go! Yeah Baby!

BS: Welcome back to EWI's Shockwave in Boston. Well coming up next we have the first of four title matches with this one to be Cameron Cruise to challenge for Bret Kross's Television Title.

MP: Well I like Cruise in this match-up for two reasons.

BS: And that would be?

MP: Well one I hate that square Kross for what he has done to Simply Stunning...

BS: Well I figured that, but what's the other?

MP: Cruise has got Mercedes Devon on his side. Meow what a valet!

BS: (laughing) I should've guessed. Let's get to the action.

EWI Television Championship Match Up

Bret 'Brass Knuckles' Kross vs. Cameron Cruise

6'7", 256lbs | 6'4", 183lbs

Chicago, ILL | Tampa Bay, Florida

All Star by Smashmouth | "Don't Tread on Me", by Metallica

Once the bell rang both men quickly went towards eachother with Cruise getting the early advantage. In the early going Cruise managed to connect with several snap suplex on the TV Champ, but as quickly as he gained the advantage he soon lost it. At one point when Crusie sent Kross into the ropes he tried to hit with a clothesline, but Kross managed to duck it and catch an off-guard Cruise with a neck breaker. Now with Kross in control he began to punish the challenger.

BS: And the TV champ is in full control of this match. Wouldn't you say so.....(looking around) what are you looking at?

MP: Hmm...I wish I could drive a Mercedes.

BS: You have no sence what so ever do you?

MP: Hey I'm paying attention.

BS: O.K. what's going on in the match.

MP: A hit there and a smack here. And Devon with her yummy looks over there.

BS: You're too much.

Once Cruise got back to his feet Kross was always there, off the ropes, hitting him with clotheslines to keep him down. On the fourth go around Kross tried to hit with another one, but Cruise finally ducked it and knocked Kross out of the ring with a standing dropkick. While Kross was trying to get back to his feet Cruise was coming off one side of the ropes and leaped over the other side of the ropes to knock Kross down again. Once outside Cruise managed to make it to his feet and he picked up Kross to whip him into the steel steps, but Kross reversed it and it was Cruise that hit and went over the steps.

BS: And so far it has been a back and forth match with Kross in control once again.

MP: Oh Cameron better be careful before he is counted out.

BS: That's the first wrestling talk I've heard from you all night. I'm impressed.

MP: I'm totally into this thing baby yeah!

Kross managed to get Cruise back into the ring and then climbed to the top rope. As Cruise was getting up Kross leaped for a cross body splash, but Cruise managed to slip a drop kick into the stomach area of Kross and he came crashing down with a large thud. Cruise, feeling victory, picked up Kross and was about to hit with a German Suplex, but Kross grabbed the back of Cruise's head and dropped down so that his head connected with Cruise's chin. Once Cruise was down Kross got back up quick and signaled to the crowd for his finisher, The Brass Bomb, and he hit it without a flaw. After that he went for the cover and three seconds later it was all over.

Winner: Bret Kross

BS: And Bret Kross gets by Cameron Cruise by just the skin of his teeth.

MP: Well all I can say is that he got lucky.

BS: Well as Kross is making his way to the backstage area....WAIT A MINUTE!! That's Dale Johnson! He just surprised Kross with a spear attack! And now here comes Chip Allthat and he's heading towards the ring.

MP: Well as much as I don't like The Casanova Clique I can respect this!

BS: Allthat just pulled out a table from under the ring and is sliding it in the ring. And now Johnson just threw Kross into the ring. What the Hell are they planning.

MP: Well I don't know, but whatever it is Kross deserves it all.

BS: Well the table is set and now Allthat and Johnson are just tearing into Kross with fist after fist!

MP: Allthat...Johnson. I still think that's groovy baby!

BS: Wait they just picked up Kross....DEAR GOD! They just hit The Diss That Don't Miss on that table and they DROVE Kross through it! The TV champ is out cold!


BS: And now Allthat just pulled the camearman inside and is screaming into the camera.

CA: (pointing at Kross) He doesn't look so bad now does he? Hell na, The Clique is in the house tonight and we have made our presence known!

BS: Well I can't say that I don't blame'em, but still did Kross deserve that?

MP: All is fair in the EWI.

BS: This is true. Well coming up next after the break we have Eli Flair going against Gemini in a falls count anywhere Hardcore match and that is NEXT!

MP: Groovy baby.

Falls Count Anywhere

"Total Elimination" Eli Flair vs. Gemini

6'9", 302lbs | 6'2", 245lbs

Bronx, NY | 463 level of the abyss

"Inside" -Abreaction | Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson

Out comes Eli Flair with Poison Ivy, poised as always to begin the fight. He slaps hands with everyone on his way to ringside.

BS: It is fantastic to see this man back in the ring here in the EWI. His first bout, not being totally what he, or us for that matter, expected.

MP: He pounded Cruise into oblivion and got his arse attacked by Martin and Kross.

Then Marilyn Manson comes across the sound system, and a symbol of the chi appears on the screen. It appears normal at first, then the black part of the chi bleeds down into the white until it mimics the tattoo that Gemini wears on his right bicep. Gemini suddenly appears on the screen, wearing his makeup and costume. He looks directly into the screen and speaks.

"Flair, this is your last chance. The last we will grant to you. Do yourself a favour, and concede the match. We will not have to hurt you, or anyone with you. Lay down. Give up. You cannot defeat us, and you will only suffer for the attempt."

BS: Oh my, Flair is none to pleased with that one from Gemini.

MP: Woah baby, I think the rookie has bit off a bit more than he could chew.

Flair stands in the middle of the ring just waiting for Gemini to come out, Ivy waits on the outside, cain in hand.

At that point Gemini comes out from under the ring where he's been hiding. Gemini is dressed differently now, he's wearing a 'Jason' style goalie mask over his face, with one side painted black. He's also wearing a heavy leather biker's jacket, with the left arm cut off to expose his massive left arm and the chi tattoo. He spins Flair around and sprays just about a can full of mace into his eyes. Gemini then nails Flair with a cattle prod several times.

MP: This match has already gotten off on a good note. Yeah baby!

BS: This is abismal. Gemini kicks Flair again. Wait, what's this?

MP: Gemini is a true swinger, yeah baby, he's even got the handcuffs.

BS: Gemini's handcuffing Flair, his hands behind his back. He is starting to kick Flair and taunt him.

MP: What's this groovy cat?

BS: It's Pat Black, back for a little revenge.

Pat Black comes down to ringside, Gemini turns around to see him and jumps out of the ring, leaving Flair in the ring. Ivy runs over to Flair and tries to pick one of the locks. The meanwhile, Black has just spit Blood in the face of Gemini. Black leaves while Gemini tries to find the ring. Ivy has picked one of the locks, while Gemini finds the ring. Ivy picks the other one, taking the handcuffs clean off. Gemini climbs into the ring and is quickly met by Flair with ahuge chokeslam, sending him to the outside.

MP: Now they are both blind and stupid, groovy!

BS: Whatch it man, you will find yourself in a whole world of hurt.

MP: Yeah right baby, like I am worried.

BS: Remember what happened last time? Yeah, I thought so. Anyways, Flair picks Gemini up and they go punch for punch right down the aisleway, heading towards the lockerroom. As they head to the back and we look to our moitors.

MP: What's up with this? Woah, Flair takes Gemini's head and uses it to go knocking on several doors, groovy!

BS: Gemini puts his foot up, then returns the favor to Flair, knocking on Susan and Gina's door. Oh my, it busts open!

MP: Woah Baby! In more ways than one! Argghhhhh

BS: Wipe the drool off your mouth. Anyways, Gemini slams Eli right into the men's room door, breaking the thing down. Eli up, Gemini slams him down into a stall with a power slam.

MP: What is Eli reaching for? I knew Gemini was swinger, yeah baby!

BS: Eli has got some barb wire from behind the toilet, he plants Gemini with it, hence splitting his head open. Eli grabs his mask and rips it off. He has got the wire around his neck dragging him out of the bathroom.

Flair lets up with the barbwire as Gemin gets up, but Flair hits the mark with a perfectly delivered suplex. Flair wraps the barbwire around Gemini's torso and punches him, as they make their way back out to the floor. Gemini turns around and runs at Flair, Flair just drops him with a drop kick sending him flying out onto the floor and over the guardrail into the crowd.

MP: Yeah baby, both men bloodied and pissed.

BS: Gemini up and throws several punches at Flair, landing several. Flair leaning on a chair, takes a chair shot from Gemini, lowering him to one knee. He picks up Flair and throws him further back, sending him towards the souvenir table, Flair turns around and sends a boot to Gemini's midsection.

MP: They should buy one of my t-shirts while they are over there, "Shag it if it's free".

BS: This is not a promo for you. Oh my, Flair drops Gemini with a huge pile driver, right on the concrete. He sets him up on the table right there.

MP: Where is the fool going? He could pin him.

BS: Flair is climbing the EWI-tron, he climbs over to the second balcony. He is inching his way towards Gemini who is on the table, still with the barbwire wrapped around his ribs. Flair is right above him…..and….

MP: (standing up.) YEAH BABY! Now that is devasting!

BS: Flair just took the leap, landing right on Gemini sending him straight through the table. Both are hurting bad, bloody as all hell. Flair is getting up, pulling Gemini through the crowd. Every so often he stops and punches him.

MP: Now where is he taking him? Yet another pinfall that could have been made, by god.

BS: He is dragging him again to the back. On our monitors we see Flair literally dragging Gemini around, again, with the occasional knocking of doors with his head.

MP: Oh, try knocking on Susan and Gina's door again!

BS: Would you shut up, what's this? Flair sends Gemini through the ladies room door. Gemini turns around, trying to get out and throws some elbows into Flair's gut. Flair takes a step back, Gemini hits him with a DDT. He picks up Flair and gets a low blow for his trouble.

MP: Yeah baby, the swinger is singing suprano now.

BS: Flair sends him into the ladies room again and slams his head on a toilet, slaming his head with a seat cover. Gemini is out cold. Flair reaches behind one of the toilets.

MP: What groovy toy does he have now?

BS: Flair takes out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffs Gemini to the toilet. Flair wraps him up in the Total Elimination.

MP: Yeah Baby, the swinger goes both ways!

BS: The refs checks Gemini's arm.

(He picks it up and it drops. He picks it up again and it drops. He picks it up again, and it drops.)


MP: What an awesome match baby, what else could be instore?

BS: What a match, both men putting all the had into it. With the blood and scars to match.

MP: Yeah yeah yeah, let's just get on with the next match….hopefully it will be over soon.

BS: Welcome back everyone. Coming up next we've got the IC finals...AGAIN! So without further....

(the lights in the arena dim as an eerie green and blue glow fills the arena a slow melodic chant of "Prick Your Finger It Is Done The Moon Has Now Eclipsed The Sun, The Angel Has Spread It's Wings The Time Has Come For Bitter Things" repeats about 5 times, then suddenly "Tonight The Stars Revolt!" by Powerman 5000 blasts over the speakers and the green and blue lights turn red and begin flashing rapidly, At that moment Angelus makes his way from the rampway down the ailse to a sea of cheers. Wearing black pants and a white ruffle poet short, Angelus makes his way into the ring and reaches for a microphone.)

MP: Since when did he get back into town?

BS: Well Angelus is back and he has something to say!

Angelus: I'm going to get straight to the point here. Kross I'm setting out a challenge to you for the Television Title. This is a rematch I duely deserve due to the things that occured at our last match. You some how seem to think that I don't deserve the title, well I deserve it far more than you ever will! (crowd cheers) So Kross do you have the guts to accept or are you going to start crying like you did last time about me not deserving one, I've heard it all Kross everytime I challenge you you come up with an excuse about not putting the title on the line. So now out here in front of the fans and all the other EWI superstars I'm challenging you. Now you can accept and do your job which is defend the title or you can go hide under a rock like usual! That's all.....for now.

(Angelus's music starts back up and he heads out of the ring and back towards the locker room area flooded by a sea of cheers.

MP: As if Bret Kross doesn't have enough on his plate. Now he has Angelus calling him out!

BS: Will he answer the challenge! We'll have to find out later cause we've got the IC finals...AGAIN!

EWI IC Tournement Finals: Again! This time in a Cage

K-9 vs. Lone Wulf

5'11", 289lbs | 7'2", 420lbs

San An, TX | San An' texas

Hit 'Em Up, by Tupac Shakur | "2 of Amerikaz most Wanted" by Tupac Shakur and Snoop Doggy Dogg

Lone Wulf enters first with a big heel pop. Nemisis comes down by his side. Lone Wulf enters the cage, Nemisis attempts to follow but the refs keep him out. While all that ruckus is going on K-9 comes down to ringside to a nice little fan pop.

MP: I think these people have been smoking some of that ganja, refer, marijuana, grass, weed…

BS: I think we get the point.

MP: Okay.

The match starts off with Lone Wulf on the offensive. He grabs K-9 and hits a side headlock, taking him to the mat. He gets up and delivers a quick clothesline to K-9, sending him back down to the mat. Off the ropes, and Lone Wulf delivers a splash.

BS: K-9 has definitely received some pity from these fans since his unruly run in with MD.

MP: You mean he got his arse kicked?

BS: You could say that.

MP: I just did.

BS: I know you did.

MP: Alrighty then, groovy!

BS: Umm…yeah, Anyways… Lone Wulf picking K-9 up and sends him into the ropes hard and delivers a big kick to the man's head. He picks him up again and flings the smaller K-9 into the cage. He goes over to K-9 and starts to rub his face on the cage.

MP: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have got Blood, yeah baby!

BS: Was that really called for? K-9 really bleeding now. Lone Wulf picks him up and slams him down with a one handed choke slam.

MP: It's a doggy dog world out there Bret.

BS: Umm sure…. He helps up K-9, K-9 grabs the back of Lone Wulf's head and nails his chin on his head. Lone Wulf's mouth is bleeding!

MP: Think they do it Doogy Style?

BS: What?

MP: If you can't run with the Big Dogs…

BS: Someone must have dropped you on your head sometime ago. Anyways…K-9 up, runs over to the turnbuckle and nails Lone Wulf with a missile drop kick. Lone Wulf staggering, K-9 hits him with a series of punches, sending the man backwards, he falls, only to have his arms wrapped up in the ropes.

MP: He's in the dog house now!

BS: You know, your stupid cliches are getting on my nerves.

MP: Then don't listen baby!

BS: (shakes his head.) K-9 taking advantage of Lone Wulf, he kicks him in the gut. He goes off the opposite ropes and nails him with another drop kick right in his face. He then grabs Lone Wulf's legs and throws on a figure four. The ref tries to free up Lone Wulf.

MP: Is it raining cats and Dogs or what?

BS: (whispering.) Just ignore him. (Back to the match.) The ref finally frees Lone Wulf, who subsequently throws a fist into K-9's head. K-9 lets go of the move. Lone Wulf gets up, a little wobbly, but up nonetheless. He picks up K-9 and drops a tombstone on him.

MP: What up dawg?

BS: You are hopeless.

Lone Wulf picks up K-9 and drops him with another tombstone leaving K-9 unconscious. He turns towards Nemisis, who in turn grabs several chairs and starts to throw them into the cage, one after another. Lone Wulf picks one of the chairs and as he does K-9 gets up slowly behind him. Lone Wulf turns towards K-9, K-9 superkicks the chair, which crushes Lone Wulf's face dropping him immediately. Lone Wulf starts to bleed profusely. K-9 now grabs a chair and lays it flat on the ring apron, he picks up Lone Wulf and plants him with a inverted DDT right on the chair.

MP: What a doggy dog world we live in.

BS: K-9 starts to head up the cage, Nemisis climbs the other side. What the hell is he doing?

MP: He's doing it doggy style!

BS: K-9 and Nemisis are at the top, pounding the living hell out of each other. Nemisis seems to be getting the upper hand, when K-9 just hugs him and rolls out of the cage. My God!

MP: That Dog just got hit by a big car.


BS: I guess K-9 really wanted that belt, either that or he wanted to be hurt.

MP: Naa…..he just wanted to do what all dogs do, mark his teritory.

BS: What, with the belt?

MP: No, you saw how he was holding Nemisis, big swinger baby!

BS: Oh god, get me out of here. Who's next?

MP: The groovy Clique vs the awesome Stunning, yeah baby!

BS: Welcome back folks. Well coming up next we've got the return match for the tag team title and this time it's gonna be surrounded by a steel cage.

MP: And it's about time too. My boys Simply Stunning should be the tag team champions right now, but Matt Martin and Bret Kross have always found a way to get involved.

BS: Well that is about to happen, but I'm being told that Victoria McCave is back stage with 'Good God' Kevin Powers.

MP: Oh this should be good.

[The scene cuts to the backstage area where Victoria McCave is standing with 'Good God' Kevin Powers and 'Risqué' Roseanne Fairhurst.]

VM: Victoria McCave here. Now Kevin Powers.....

KP: Tricky Vickie I thought we were better than that. You can call me Sir Physco Sexy you know.

VM: I don't think so. Going back to Heatwave Co-Owner Zieba has given you the green light to wrestle again and....

KP: Oh yeah. Mister Fantastic gave me the chance to wrestle again, but the sorry SOB won't let me go for a title. Well here's the plan we came up with. At the next Heatwave at.....where is it again?

RF: Cape Cod.

KP: Really? Where do they come up with the ideas for these places? Anyways. At Heatwave I will have a match and I don't care WHO it is!

RF: Now get out of our way cause we've got some stuff to do bimbo.

VM: (watching Powers and Fairhurst walk away) Well you heard it. Powers wants a match and he wants it at Heatwave. Back to you guys

MP: Kevin isn't playing this time.

BS: You can say that again. Wait a second.....We have just gotten word that there is something going on in the back, lets check it out.

(In the back, a door that reads SIMPLY STUNNING is wide open, as the camera looks in, we see Bret Kross with a chair, he hits Hardy over the head, and as Wilcox charges at him, he holds the chair up and Wilcox runs right into it,Kross then jams the chair right into the ribs of Wilcox, and as Hardy tries to recover, he is met with a chair to the back, Kross walks out of the dressing room)

MP: I can't believe, that no good...

BS: Ok, well fans, we have just seen Kross take apart Simply Stunning and now we have a question of whether or not they will be able to compete tonight?

MP: Bloody son of a....

BS: You really need to calm down. Hopefully they can make it out to the match cause it's about to start now.
