Tag Team Championship: Again? This time in a Cage

Casanova Clique (Chip Allthat and Dale Johnson) vs. Simply Stunning (Michael Hardy and Jason Wilcox)

Combined Weight 500lbs | Combined Weight 555lbs

Dayton, OH | Sunderland, England

"Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz | "Let Me Entertain You" - Robbie Williams

Once the two teams entered the ring all Hell broke loose. The Casanova Cilque quickly took advantage of a shakened Simply Stunning team from their recent attack from Kross in the back. The two teams don't even wait for the bell to sound once they are inside of the ring. Allthat quickly grabbed Wilcox and both of them started to throw punches at eachother just as Johnson and Hardy were doing the same. Allthat and Johnson soon go the advantage and whipped both Hardy and Wilcox into the ropes. Off the ropes Johnson and Allthat tried to take their momentum and slam both Wilcox and Hardy into the cage, but the both countered the move and, instead, it was Allthat and Johnson that tasted cold steel.

BS: And these two teams starting off early with some hatred.

MP: But that's O.K. baby cause I know my boys are gonna come out with the gold this time.

After the ref finally broke up the confusion the teams finally went back to their corners and the match officially begun. Johnson and Hardy started off for their respective groups and it was simple to see that Hardy pretty much outweighed the smaller Johnson. After a tie up Hardy raised a knee into the gut of Johnson and sent him into the ropes. Coming off the ropes Hardy went of a back body drop, but Johnson rolled over his back and came right back with a short arm clothesline that staggered the big man. Johnson came off the ropes again and was about to hit with another clothesline,but Hardy again took his momentum and slammed Johnson into the steel face first. Hardy then grabbed Johnson and dragged him over to his corner where he made the tag out to Wilcox. Once inside Wilcox chopped away at Johnson until he was back towards the ropes. Wilcox whipped Johnson into the ropes and on the way back placed another boot into the midsection of Johnson. Wilcox went to go for a powerbomb, but Johnson turned it around and hit Wilcox with a hurriciana instead.

BS: Desperation move by Johnson right there and now he needs to make the tag out to his partner.

MP: Still what a move! After the beating that kid took who would've thought that was gonna happen.

Johnson then went for the hot tag to Allthat and he came in like a ball of fire. He quickly picked up Wilcox and threw him into the cage. After Wilcox bounced off and went to the canvas Allthat picked him up again and took him to the cage where he raked his face over and over again. Hardy tried to go in and break it up, but the ref stopped him in his tracks. Johnson then stepped back in and took advantage of the distraction. He, along with Allthat, whipped Wilcox HARD into the cagepost and a eerie smack was heard upon impact.

BS: And Wilcox is busted open after that one! He needs to make a tag in the worst fashion.

MP: Oh no! The blood has begun to spill! Someone call the Red Cross cause there is gonna be plenty of donations tonight!

Johnson took over as Allthat make the quick exit. When the ref turned around he asked Johnson if he made the tag and he, of course, said yes. The match continued as Johnson grabbed a stunned Wilcox and connected with a spinebuster. Johnson then picked up Wilcox and delivered a bodyslam in the center of the ring. He then went to the outside and went to the top rope, but when he leaped off to hit with a splash Wilcox moved out of the way and Johnson hit nothing but canvas. Wilcox then tried his best to make the tag to his partner, but Allthat came in and distracted the ref. Meanwhile Wilcox made the tag and Hardy came in and began to beat on Johnson.

BS: The ref turned around and he's not gonna allow the tag! Oh this is misjustice.

MP: Hey it's all fair. The ref wasn't looking and how is he supposed to know? He has to see the tag.

BS: Just like earlier when Johnson came in illegally?

MP: The ref saw it out of the corner of his eye.

BS: Sure he did. Which corner?

MP: Why the one over.....oh he saw it.

BS: Besides I thought you were for Simply Stunning.

MP: Yes. You're right. REF THAT WASN'T FAIR!

As the ref was pushing back Hardy Allthat and Johnson began their assault on a bloody Wilcox. They whipped him into the ropes and was about to hit with a double clothesline, but Wilcox ducked the attack. He then came off the ropes and hit with a flying double clothesline of his own. While The Casanova Clique were down Wilcox desperately looked for his partner. Wiping the blood out of his eyes he finally made the tag to Hardy and he came in pumped up. He first caught Allthat with a clothesline and then Johnson with the same. Allthat came back, but got hit with a bodyslam. Johnson was met with the same a few seconds after that. Hardy then picked up Allthat and threw him into the cage. After that he whipped Johnson into the ropes and caught him with a Samoan Drop.

BS: And Hardy is gonna go for the first pin of the night. One, two, th--no! Allthat broke up the count.

MP: And here comes Wilcox. Life is about to get interesting YEAH!

Hardy took Johnson to one corner and Wilcox took Allthat to the other corner. After a series of chops and punches they whipped them out hoping that they would smack into eachother, but instead Johnson leaped over Allthat and they both connected with lariat clotheslines on Simply Stunning. Allthat then took Hardy back to the corner and began to work him over as Johnson picked up Wilcox and was about to whip him into the ropes, but Wilcox reversed it and was about to aim the other direction. Johnson then reversed that and Wilcox collided with the ref in the corner.

BS: And the ref is down! It's anyone's ballgame right now.

MP: Well I hope that my boys can do it! Come on Stunning!

Johnston then picked up Wilcox and whipped him into the ropes and tried for a manuver, but Wilcox surprised him by stopping in his tracks and connecting with a superkick. Johnson went down and Wilcox fell on top for the cover, but the ref was still out. After the crowd counted to ten Wilcox got up and tried to wake up the ref. Meanwhile Hardy was getting the best of Allthat and was about to drag him out of the corner, but Johnson finally got to his feet and got behind Hardy to connect with a reverse DDT. Johnson made sure that Allthat was O.K. and they got up and headed towards Wilcox who was still trying to wake up the ref. When the ref was finally coming to Wilcox turned around, but was met by The Casanova Clique with The Diss That Don't Miss (Rock Bottm/Chokeslam). Johnson went for the cover and after a slow three count.....it was over.

Winner: The Casanova Clique

BS: And the Casanova Clique just escaped a close one here folks. You can't blame them for celebrating in the ring cause they earned it. Well the ring attendents are raising the cage and, wait a minute, Kross and Martin, here we go again, they storm the ring, and the champs don't even see him. Reign on Althat and the BRASS BOMB on Johnson

MP: This is out of control baby

BS: You bet it is, and here comes the chair. Martin smashes it right on Hardy's head, and Kross now takes the chair, throws it to Wilcox, he catches it, and Kross with a drop kick, the chair smashes against Wilcox's face. This is unbelieveable! Wait a minute. Now Kross has a mic.

Kross: See, we want in on the tag title scene, and at the next Heatwave, we want either the champs, or if they are not man enough, we will take on the losers. Doesn't matter.

(Suddenly the lights in the arena begin to flicker as red and blue lights start to pan around the crowd........suddenly, emerging from the crowd are three masked men with bats dressed in complete black attire....they completely catch Kross and Martin off guard and begin to beat them unmercifully to no avail....the three masked men dressed in black eventually throw Martin and Kross, along with Simply Stunning and The Casanova Clique out of, the ring, yet they still do not speak....one of the three masked men exits the ring and begins to rummage underneath the squared circle as if he is looking for something....the smallest of the masked men finally re-enters the squared circle with a can of black spray paint in hand....he gradually begins to spray paint something on the canvas....once he is finished with his work, the three masked men in black evacuated the ring once again and dissappear into the crowd from which they appeared....after losing sight of the three mysterious men, the camera shifts its focus back into the ring where the letters....N B K....are spray painted in bold black letters)

BS: What the? This place is getting out of control! We need to cut to commerical now!

Main Event: Mega Cage!

EWI Extreme Championship Match Up

'Iceman' Steve Radder vs. "The Monarch" Matt Martin

6'0", 230lbs | 6'1", 231lbs

New York, NY | Las Vegas, Nevada.

'Bulls On Parade' by Rage Against the Machine | "Bow Down" by Westside Connection

Out first is the challenger Matt Martin. He comes out to a heel pop. He is followed closely out by Steve Radder with Kelly. Kelly looks a bit apprehensive about letting Radder get into the ring. They separate as the cage comes down slowly.

(Grinding noise is heard.)

BS: What is that noise and why is the cage not coming down any more?

MP: There is always something wrong, baby. Victoria, how are ya scrumscous?

VM: As always, it is not my pleasure to sit next to you.

MP: Why not baby, you know you dig me.

VM: Oh Lord!

BS: Radder and Martin have no clue what is going on with the cage, but I don't think they care as they go at it.

VM: There's the bell as Radder takes Martin and shows him exactly what size show he wears, then follows up with a side suplex.

MP: Anyone ever tell you, you have very shagadelic breasts?

BS: Just ignore him.

VM: I think I may just do that.

BS: I do it all the time.

Martin gets up and is met by a huge clothesline by Radder, sending him straight down. Radder takes advantage by wrapping him up in a surfboard. The ref checks with Martin to see if he gives.

VM: Radder going for the early victory.

BS: Smart move in a match like this, you never know who will show up.

MP: Naa, he just don't want to hear anything from that babe Kelly, is she hot or what…those curves….arggggghhhh.

VM: Isn't his drool a health hazard?

BS: I think so, it may have been condemed by the FDA.

Radder lets go of the move, throwing Martin to the outside. Radder goes off the opposite ropes, and attempts a suicide dive, to no avail, he misses and hits on air as Martin ducks. Martin drags a table out, from underneath the ring.

MP: I bet Mr. Harders isn't liking this to much, huh baby?

VM: Say what?

MP: Do you know how much those acme tables cost?

VM: You're a friggin moron!

BS: Do I need to separate you two?

VM: Martin grabs Radder and drops him with a piledriveron the concrete, splitting his head open.

MP: Blood already? Groovy baby!

BS: Martin lays Radder out on the table. Look at Kelly, she is crying.

MP: She looks very groovy, I wanna shag her, I wanna shag….yeah baby!

VM: You are sick man, she is obviously tormented.

MP: Then why watch baby? She knows what Radder does!

Martin climbs up the side of the cage only to drop and land on top of Radder, busting the table, leaving Radder clutching his ribs. Martin gets up slowly, holding his elbow, but grabs Radder and drags him to his feet. He sends him into a guardrail, Radder crushes his side again.

MP: Yeah baby, Feel the pain Steve, feel the pain.

BS: You truly are demented, perhaps a nice trip to the looney bin would help?

VM: I could take you there, I would be more than pleased to drive you.

MP: Oh, stop baby, you're flattering me.

Martin takes Radder again and sends him into the other guardrail, but Radder reverses and sends Martin crashing back first into the rail. Radder hooks up Martin, big pile driver. Martin is down, he has a slight gash on his forhead, Radder is wide open. Radder picks up Martin and sends him right into the half lowered cage, Martin is clotheslined by it.

BS: What is Radder doing now, he picks up Martin and he is bringing him over here.

VM: No, don't put him on our table!

MP: Hold on baby, let me get my beer!

The area is cleared by Mike Powers, Bret Sanders and Victoria McCave. Radder lays out Martin on the table, while MD comes down the aisle. Radder climbs the cage to the top. Nemisis of MD starts to climb the cage. They meet at the top.

BS: What the hell are they doing here?

MP: Crashing the party, hey there is that poor puppy who lost to the other doggy, groovy!

VM: Radder and Nemisis meet at the top, Nemisis and Radder exchanging words, now fists.

BS: What's this, now Lone Wulf is going up the cage.

MP: Oh, someones trying to be the big dog baby.

BS: Lone Wulf gets up there and nails Radder from behind, Nemisis grabs him and scoop slams him….Oh MY!

MP: (Standing up)Yeah Baby!

VM: Radder goes through the cage, landing in the ring. What's this? Nemisis jumps down and lands with a big splash.

BS: This is inhumain. Lone Wulf turns around and jumps down on Martin, No!

VM: There goes our table.

MP: Carnage baby, this is definitely groovy.

Lone Wulf picks up Martin and rolls him into the ring. Nemisis picks up Radder and drops him with a pile driver. Lone Wulf and Nemisis leave.

BS: I guess this was an anything goes match?

MP: Anything?

VM: It would appear so.

Mike Powers turns around and grabs McCave's right breast. She slugged him, sending him falling down.

VM: You little ****, you know that's not what I meant.

BS: (laughing.) Two weeks in a row.

VM: Martin is crawling over to Radder and he drapes his arm on him.


BS: This is a travesty.


MP: This is the last time I try that, I keep getting my arse kicked.



BS: No, this has ended in tragedy.

MP: Deal baby!

VM: Enough, enough already.

BS: Tune in next time for Heatwave in Cape Cod as we continue our East Coast Tour.

(Promo for Heatwave in Cape Cod.)
