The EWI and NthWA have merged to become GXW!!!

X-Treme around the WORLD!

It was only a matter of time!

That's right people the EWI is no more. Instead the EWI and NthWA have combined their forces to bring you the most anticpated league ever created. From the roots of NBW and NthWA to BTR, MWC, and EWI we now present to you Global X-Treme Wrestling! Just go to the banner up top, click on it, and it will take you to the new website.

~ Erik Zieba, Chad Dupree, and Les McCarver~

The usual order of events will go....








Study it, know it, it will be the new way from now on.

NEWS! 09/02/01 It seems that I have managed to find my way here again to update somethings on the main page. Maybe one day I'll update this site and create something new ... yeah right.
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Note: The EWI is CLOSED to applications at this time. And why? Cause we're GXW BABY!

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