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Laurie's Home Page
Cadette Girl Scout

Hello, and welcome to my Home Page. My name is Laurie. This is my 9th year as a Girl Scouts. I'm learning and experiencing alot as a Girl Scout, and the best part is making new friends.

I trade Girl Scouts and Girl Guides patches from around the world, and collect coins from foreign countries. My goal is to learn as much as I can about people around the world.

I like church, school, making webpages, drawing pictures of Sailor Moon and the Scouts, earning Girls Scouts Badges, and most of all traveling. My new hobby is photography.

Here are some of my links. Please come and visit them.

My Girl Scouts/Guides Around the World Page

My Thinking Day 2001 Gift Exchange
Deadline to register: December 15th 2000

My Thinking Day for the Millennium Swap Page
Deadline to register: December 15th 1999

My Patch Trading Page

My International Patch/Silk Trading Page

My Troop Homepage

My Favorite Sites

My Sailor Moon Page

My Mother's Home Page

How to make a Webpage Sites

How to Build your own Webpage

Webring Review

Patch/Silk Trading Sites

GS/GG Patch/Silk/Crest Traders Forum



Nyssa's Patch trading forum



Thinking Day
Around the World

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Thank you, Pam for My First Award
"I enjoyed visiting your pages, you are very deserving of this award for all your hard work"