What should we expect from a company that has brought us the joy of games like Sonic and Sega Rally? Well all I can say is that we are all in for one bumby ride. This game will define a action RPG and show us how games should be made and will be made in the near future. You start out as a person named Ryo and have to go all around town finding enemies and solving little Japenese puzzles. Actually the game has several mini games in itself like at you house you have a Sega Saturn which you can purchase games for at the local store and even go to the arcade and play old Sega games such as Super Hang On. This game has every little possible detail you could fit into a game. Like for instance if you stay out to late your maid will get angry with you or you might be going down an ally and some street punks gang up on you and want to fight. These are all things to do in the game. The game itself has some of the greatest graphics on a console showing every little detail and also the change of day which changes when your day actually does. There is no word on the sound yet but I'm sure it won't be hard to add some good old American sound before bringing it to the states. As long as it's not the Japanese lip sinking found in many of their movies! With all of this and the gameplay to go with it we here in the states are really looking for a treat.
G Palace