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Setting up the Altar

If you don't have any of these things, don't worry about it. Improvise. Having any or all of these items certainly helps you in your magickal endeavors, as they are used to awaken the High Self, but using, for example, a finger in place of a wand or athame is perfectly acceptable. Don't think you can't be a witch because you don't have this or that. The Lord and Lady don't care that you haven't collected material possessions; what use would anything material have for them? They only care that you are honoring them, and they will show you that they have taken notice.

Be patient, your magickal tools will find you in time.

The Altar

If set up permanently, your altar serves a dual purpose.

When not in use, it acts as a reminder of who you are, and lets the god/ess into your home in a very public way. It's quiet beauty can be shared with anyone who enters your home. If this is not feasible or practical for you, it's not necessary.

The altar's primary and more important purpose is to serve as your work area during ritual.

Virtually anything table-like in nature can serve as an altar. you can use a coffee table, a large, flat rock, or a board propped up by a couple of milk crates. Ideally, you want something close to the ground or floor, something you can easily reach while sitting or kneeling.

It doesn't need to be huge, however, it should be big enough to hold your other tools and components of your rituals.

You may want to purchase or make a plain black or white altar cloth, or a few of varying colors, depending on your purpose. This is for a couple of reasons, the first being, if you are using something decidedly UN-altar-like (crates and boards), you can cover it and make it mystical-looking. It's amazing how a small piece of fabric can transform your mood.

Your altar may be as simple or as decorative as you choose. That's the key, it's YOURS. Whatever you need to help you get to that altered level of consciousness, use it!

Goddess and God Symbols

You will want one item on your altar representing the goddess, which traditionally goes on the left-hand side, and one item on the right, representing the god.

These representations can be anything you prefer, as long as they represent the deities to you. They can be anything from statuettes, figurines, small paintings, to items from nature, like a seashell for the goddess, or an antler for the god.

If you are working with specific deities, you may want to choose items that are sacred to those deities. For example, a stalk of grain would represent Demeter, and a small hand crafted pitch pipe ("pan flute") would represent Pan.

If all else fails, you can use candles to represent the deities. You can use black for the goddess and white for the god (Yin-Yang), or silver for the goddess (moon), and gold for the god (sun).

Keep in mind, these are only suggestions, use whatever colors represent the deities to you.

You should also have a libation dish on you altar, for offerings of "cakes and ale" to the God and Goddess.