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Various Chants

If you are like me, you always have the urge to run around the house naked chanting songs to the Goddess and God, but you lose all inspiration when you sit down to write a perfect chant to fit the way you are feeling and can't find the right words. So to help those who are like me (people who can't come up with the right words to fit the way they are feeling) I have provided various chants and prayers that I have found on my journeys through cyber space.

I have given credit to those I could and the rest are nameless for now. If you see something you wrote and want me to either give you credit or take it off my site then please e-mail me from the link on my BOS page.

Blessed Be and Happy Chanting

Rambling Chant *Children's Prayer* Witches' Chant
*Quiet Chant*Spiral Chant*Make Me Whole*Ebb and Flow Chant
*Flow Chant*Prayer for Peace*Creation Chant*Womb Chant
*Morning Chant to Aphrodite*Creative FlowGrain Goddess
*Warm Embrace*Hail Mother*Blessing of Five*Faery Guidance*Hail Luna!Chant to Bring the Rain*Protection Chant*Dispel Evil
*Ball of Protection*Cycle Chant*Short Spell*Maypole Song
*Scott Cunningham Chants*Lose Weight*The Blessing Chant
*Morning Prayer*Power Chant*Evening Prayer
*Children's Bedtime Prayer*Samhain Chant*Full Moon*Spirit of Fire*We Are Alive*Sun and Moon Invocations*The Evening Worship*We are a Circle*Spring Planting Chant*Before Meals


Rambling Chant

A little chant by Eliza

Isis Moonlight

Beauteous Love

Enamored Raven

Mourning Dove

Spiral Helix

Cosmos Sky

Persephone Underworld

Mother Butterfly

Triple Goddess


This is the calling

Of the chosen few.

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Children's Prayer

Children's Prayer by eliza

King of the woods

Protect us

Mother of all

Guide us

Bless us in our daily lives

And bring love to all of Earth's tribes.

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Witches' Chant by The Grimoire of Lady Sheba

Darksome night and shining Moon,

Hearken to the witches' rune.

East then South, West then North,

Hear! Come! I call Thee forth!

By all the powers of land and sea,

Be obedient unto me.

Wand and Pentacle and Sword,

Hearken ye unto my word.

Cords and Censor, Scourge and Knife,

Waken all ye into life.

Powers of the witch's Blade,

Come ye as the charge is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,

Send your aid unto the spell.

Horned Hunter of the night,

Work my will by magic rite.

By all the powers of land and sea,

As I do say, "so mote it be."

By all the might of moon and sun,

As I do will, it shall be done.

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Quiet Chant

by eliza@sacredspiral

To bring about quiet, say:

Hush like a whisper

The wind through the trees

Softer and softer

A summer's breeze

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Spiral Chant

by 8/30/99

Spiral inward;

Go with in.

Spiral outward;

Go with out.

Go with in. Go with out.

Dance of Life.

Spiral. Spiral.

Inward. Outward.

Go with in.

Go with out... (continue at beginning)

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Make Me Whole

by eliza@sacredspiral

Mother of Earth

Make me whole.

Spirit of Air

Make me whole.

Power of Fire

Make me whole.

Flow of Water

Make me whole.

Mother. Spirit. Power. Flow.

Make me whole.

Make me whole.

Make me whole.

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Ebb and Flow Chant

by eliza@sacredspiral

Ebb and flow.

Ebb and flow.

In and Out.

Ebb and flow.

Ebb and flow.

In and Out.

All Around.

Ebb and flow.

Ebb and flow.


Outwards. (cont. from beginning)

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Flow Chant

by eliza@sacredspiral






(repeat, drawing out the 'o' in flowing)

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Prayer for Peace

written by Diane

Here is one that needed only 2 words is the Prayer of St Francis

Make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me show love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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Creation Chant

by Tzuniquah

From her womb I was formed

in fertile darkness safe and warm

Tasting Moon Blood deep and red

down the passage was I led

Falling, falling, falling down the river's flow

Falling, falling, falling through the gate I go (Blessings of the Blood by Celu Amberston, Cornwoman)

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Womb Chant

by eliza@sacredspiral

I am the womb

From which Life springs forth

I am the womb

From which Love springs forth

I am the womb

I am the womb

I am the womb

From which All springs forth

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Morning Prayer to Aphrodite

by eliza@sacredspiral

Hail Mother!

The Sun has risen.

Another day has begun.

I wash my face in these new born rays

And take my first step in the ways of love.

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Creative Flow

by eliza@sacredspiral

Bursts of orange

Inside my head.

Swirling matter

Taking form.

Molding energy

Into shapes.

Thoughts keep coming.

Sights ensue.

Wheels keep turning.

All blocks removed.

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Grain Goddess

by eliza@sacredspiral

Grain Goddess,

upon your body I live.

You give to us the gift of life

and the gift of the grain.

To you I offer my love,

my courage and my strength.

So mote it be.

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Warm Embrace

by eliza@sacredspiral

Mother's arms around me,

Warm embrace.

I feel a wholeness inside me,

Warm embrace.

Surrounded by quiet,

Warm Embrace.

Soft winds uplifting me,

Warm embrace.

The serenity is filling me,

Warm embrace.

I hear Her voice calling me,

Warm embrace.

Mother's arms around me,

Warm embrace.

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Hail Mother

by eliza@sacredspiral

Hail Mother,

Full of grace,

Your people live upon you.

Blessed are all men and women

and Blessed is your womb

from which all life springs.

Hail Mother,

Mother of All,

cradle us within your loving arms

from life to death to rebirth.

So mote it be.

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Blessing of Five

by eliza@sacredspiral

Published in The Blessed Bee (, Winter 1999-2000

Spirit of Nature, embrace me.

Body of Mother, nourish me.

Water of Oceans, cleanse me.

Fire of Mind, strengthen me.

Air from North, guide me.

So mote it be.

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Faery Guidance


Faeries of the Earthen Mounds

Guardians of secrets clear

By your love commit me here

To teach the knowledge of the Ancient Ones

Be ever at my side to light my way

To guide and teach me both night and day

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Hail Luna!


Hail Luna!

Luminous One!

Our eyes are upon you.

Light our paths

And light our visions.

Lead us through the dark.

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By: Emily Schulz

Great Goddess hear my plea,

Grant the wish I chant to thee:

Bring clouds both large and gray,

Send the pouring rains my way.

Spare me from the wrathful sun.

As I will it, so let it be done!

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Like calmness after hurricane,

Gentle breeze following rain,

Goddess, ease away my fright

And guard all within my sight.

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Mother Hecate,

Embrace me Tight.

Protect me from evil

Lurking about this night.

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Ball of Protection Chant


Ball of protection

Round and smooth

I need your help

To make my move

Let's get the ball rolling

The future's ahead

Heal me with blue

Make my energy red

I take my first step now

I am freed from the past

Keep the ball rolling

I am me at last!

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Cycle Chant


I am the Goddess,

being born.

I am the Goddess,

full of life.

I am the Goddess,

shedding skin.

I am the Goddess,

three times three.

I will, I am, I was,

And will be again.

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Power Chant


I am powerful

And I am just.

I am strong

And I am supple.

I am Woman/Man.

I am Goddess/God.

I am All.

I am One

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Morning Prayer

O' gracious Goddess, O' gracious God,

Lend me health, strength, and love,

during this coming day.

Assist me with the challenges ahead.

Share your divine wisdom.

Teach me to respect all things.

Remind me the greatest power of all is love.

Blessed Be!

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Evening Prayer

The moonlight illuminates the earth,

with wondrous silver rays;

Illuminates me through the night

and through the sun-lit days.

Bedtime Prayer

O' gracious Goddess, O' gracious God.

I now enter the realm of dreams.

Weave now, if you will, a web of protective light around me.

Guard both my spirit form and my spirit.

Watch over me, until the sun once again rules the earth.

O' gracious Goddess, O' gracious God,

Be with me through the night.

Invocation before sleep

Lady of the moon

Lord of the sun

Protect me and mine

Now my day is done.

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Children's Bedtime Prayer

Day is done, it's time for bed.

Goddess bless my sleepy head.

Earth, water, air, and fire.

Bring gentle dreams as I retire.

When the morning sun does rise.

The god will bless my open eyes.

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Samhain Chant

Fire red, summer's dead,

yet shall it return.

Clear and bright in the night.

Burn fire, burn.

Dance the ring, luck to bring,

when the year's aturning.

Chant this rhyme at Hollow’s time,

when the fire's burning.

Fire glow, vision show,

of the heart's desire.

When the spell's chanted well,

of the Witching hour.

Fire spark, when nights are dark,

makes our winter's mirth.

Red leaves fall, earth takes all.

Brings them to rebirth.

Fire fair, earth and air,

and the heaven's rain.

And blessed be, and so may we

at Hollow’s tide again.

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Full moon

Full moon shining bright

Oh Aradia, Diana’s silver daughter

Full moon shining bright

Midnight on the water

Oh Aradia, Diana's silver daughter

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Spirit of fire

Spirit of Fire come to us

We will kindle the fire

Spirit of Fire come to us

We will kindle the fire

We will kindle the fire

Dance the magic circle 'round

We will kindle the fire

We will kindle the fire

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We are Alive

We are alive

as the Earth is alive,

We have the power to create our freedom.

If we have courage, we can be healers,

Like the sun we shall rise.

If we have courage, we can be healers,

Like the moon we shall rise

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Sun and Moon Invocations

Lord sun life of day

Great fire boat making way

Extend yourself with hands of light

To us who worship in your sight

And in your ancient name rejoice

And hear the mystery of your voice

Lady moon could be bound

Of liquid light an pale hounds

Course among us, your light diffuse

Render blessings to us who choose

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The evening worship by silver flame

Singing your thousand living names

Elemental Circle

Cauldron of air around my brow

Warmed by rhythm of breath and sound

Telling more than a tongue's allowed

Open the sacred circle now

Tree of fire within my brow

Horse and hare and salmon and sow

By eye and hair and fin and crown

Light the sacred circle now

Maze of water above my brow

Blood and river and tide flow down

Walk the depths and be not drowned

Fill the sacred circle now

Veil of earth before my brow

Furrow turned with a living plow

Plant the seed and ask not how

Be the sacred circle now

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We are A Circle

We are a circle

Within a circle

with no beginning

And never ending

We are a circle

Within a circle

with no beginning

And never ending

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Spring Planting Chant

Breath of life,

water of pleasure

Fire in the seed

Earth holds the treasure

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Before Meals

From Forest and Stream

From Mountain and field,

From the fertile Earth's

Nourishing yield:

I now partake of

Divine Energy;

May it lend health,

Strength and love to me.

Blessed Be

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Short Spell

Sun of day and moon of night

Aid my task if all be right.

Wind that breathes on land and sea

Lift these words, if blessed be.

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Maypole song

The planting of the seed and the winding round the pole

And the dancing to the music and the plowing of the earth

Is the way the people did it in the forest and the field

In the springtime in the sunlight when the moon was coming up

In the springtime in the moonlight when the sun was going down

Was the time the people did it in the field and in the glade

With the dancing in the grass and the rhythm of the plowing

Was the planting of the seed and the winding round the pole.

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The following chants are taken from Scott Cunningham's Living Wicca: A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner.

Sunrise Chant

Fire growing,

Sun is glowing;

Glowing, flowing

Down on me.

A Short Chant for Help

Divine Mother,

Mother Divine,

Show me the way;

Give me a sign

A Morning Prayer

Bless this day, sun of fiery light.

Bless this day; prepare me for the night.

An Evening Prayer

The moon illuminates the earth

With wondrous silver rays;

Illuminate me through the night

And through the sun-lit days.

A Prayer Before Sleep

Lady of the Moon;

Lord of the Sun;

Protect me and mine

Now day is done.

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**The chant that is posted below is only a chant to help you loose weight. It doesn't take the pounds off for you, but it does help to motivate your will to stay away from bad foods, exercise, and to think positively about your appearance

Here it is:

"Goddess help me,

My will is strong.

I'll eat what's right,

And do no wrong.

I'll exercise lots,

So that I'll be thinner.

Doing what's right,

Will make me a winner!"

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The Blessing Chant

May the powers of the One the source of all creation all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal

may the Goddess the Lady of the Moon and the God

Horned Hunter of the Sun

May the powers of the Spirits of the Stones Rulers of the elemental realms

May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below

Bless this Place, and this time.

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