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This is an outdoor ritual:

Before hand, find a place that you feel comfortable with. It can be in the mountains, the desert, or a cave, if you are near one. perhaps you live near a forest, or the ocean. Even a quiet spot in the park will do. As long as you are comfortable, and reasonably sure that you will not be interrupted.

Before you leave your house, prepare yourself by taking a bath in warm water to which you have added one tablespoon of salt, and a scented bath oil. When you are finished, prepare for the journey. The only thing you need to take with you is a vial of richly scented oil, such as sandalwood, frankincense, cinnamon, or any other that appeals to you.

When you arrive at the spot you have picked, take off your shoes, and sit on the ground. Spend some time calming yourself with deep breathing. Look at your surroundings, and open yourself to the energies there.

When you are calm, sit, kneel, or lie flat on the ground. Place the oil beside you. Continue deep breathing . Feel the energies around you. Call to the Goddess and God in any words you like, or use this invocation, if you will:

O Mother Goddess,

O Father God,

Answers to all mysteries,

Mysteries unanswered;

In this place I open myself to you,

In this space and time I am changed;

From this day forward I am yours

From this time forward I walk the Wicca path.

I dedicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God.

Rest for a moment, Be silent and still. Listen to your heartbeat for a space of time. When you are ready, continue:

I breathe your energies into my body. Comingling and blending, Mixing with mine.

That I may see the Divine in nature, And nature in the Divine.

The divinity within myself and all else.

O Great Goddess.

O Great God.

Make me One with your essence.

Make me One with your essence.

Make me One with your essence.

You may feel full of energy. Your mind may be confused. It may feel as if the earth herself is throbbing with energy. Animals, attracted by the psychic energy, may grace you with their presence. Whatever occurs, know that you will have opened yourself to the Goddess and the God. Know also that they have heard you.

Wet a finger with the sweet smelling oil, and trace the symbols of the Goddess and the God somewhere on your body. As you anoint yourself, visualize the symbols sinking into your body, glowing as they enter, and dispersing into millions of points of light. The dedication is ended.

Thank the Goddess and the God for their attention. Sit and meditate before leaving this place of dedication.

When you arrive home, celebrate---You have become one of the Wicca.

*Taken from Scott Cunningham's, "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner."