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Air- One of the four elements taught in medieval alchemy. Air is traditionally represented by the eastern portion of magical rituals. Feathers, incense, and fans can be used to symbolize air. The element itself can be helpful in magic dealing with change, movement, the mind, intuition, and learning.

Altar- A central area of ritual space, for most religions of the world. The tools of that faith are placed upon it. Often placed on the altar are symbols of the goddess.

Amulet- A small object worn or carried on a person, believed to protect the carrier. Stones and crystals, rabbit's foot, or whatever. It tends to give the wearer of the amulet a sense of comfort and well-being.

Athame- The ritual dagger of Witches, used in ceremony to direct the energy of the user to create a circle for one.

Aura- The natural field of energy that surrounds all living things is most easily experienced through the body heat, but it can be visible to some psychics. The color and texture of the field is believed to indicate health, state of mind, and even spiritual ability.

Balance- The belief that we need to keep our lives even, including the spirit. It also means to acknowledge the light and dark of all things.

Banishing- A ritual designed to ward off or alleviate negative influences through ceremony or prayer.

Blessing- The moving of Divine energy to an item or person to grant special protection, care, and love. The words "Blessed Be" are often used among witches as a greeting and farewell.

Book of Shadows- Like a bible, but for a witch, this book contains beliefs, rituals, charms, spells, etc. All of the necessary information for a witch to practice her craft. It is often hand written and kept with love and care, this book may be passed down to generations after.

Censer- a vessel in which incense is burned during rituals and meditations. It would often be hung from a chain...

Channeling- The ability to allow oneself to become a medium, or doorway for a spiritual entity to communicate through you.

Chanting- Not unlike prayer, except it is usually repetitive in nature. It helps to bring a specific mental state to aid in the movement of magickal energy.

Charm- Object or incantation believed to have beneficial power.

Circle- The area where magic is wrought. The casting of a circle is the process of making a special place for you to perform your needed magickal workings.

Consecration- To bless or sanctify an object, person, or area. Consecration is usually performed on magical tools, the ritual space, the altar, and sometimes the witch that is performing the ritual.

Craft, the- The term Wicca originally meant the Wise Craft, shortened today by simply saying the Craft. It is in now way associated with Satanism, as it is often believed.

Dark Moon- Another name for the New Moon, usually a time for rest before your new labors arrive.

Dedication- This is similar to a baptism. It is dedicating yourself to the God and the Goddess.

Divination- The art of foretelling the future...included are tarot cards, runes, dice, omens, tea leaves, scrying, interpretation of dreams and more.

Earth- Another of the Alchemical elements. Earth is a grounding element. It symbolizes strength, stability, and stands in the Northern point of the magickal circle.

East- The direction where most rituals begin. East is the point of the morning star, thus a sign of new life. In the magickal circle it is represented by the element of air.

Elements, the- In medieval times, the world was divided into four major elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. It represents the perfect balance.

Esbats- a magickal meeting, which celebrates a particular phase of the moon, most often the full moon. The greatest time for magickal workings...

Familiar- Some form of an animal which has a strong psychic link to a witch. This animal is treated as the witches magickal partner, and believed to lend energies to the witch. One common familiar of the Witch is a cat.

Fire- The third element in the alchemical tradition. Fire is the purifier, an element of change. It stands in the southern point of the circle.

Full Moon- In magic, the night of the full moon are used to bring fruitfulness to any endeavor. It is a time of fertility and creativity. The night of great magickal power.

the male and female of the Divine.

Grimoire- This originally referred to the old textbooks of European magic written between the 17th and 18th centuries. These books contained spells, charms, divinations, recipes, etc...

Grounding- a means of calming energy by dispersing it into the earth. It is a way to compose one's mind and spirit.

Guardians- an alternative name for the 4 elements. The term is also used for angelic beings that watch over a person.

Herbalism- The use of various herbs and plants to promote health or to make brew, lotions, teas, etc...

High Magic- as opposed to other forms of magic...this one is very ceremonial and is usually based on the Egyptian mysteries.

Initiation- This marks the acknowledgement of a magickal path and acceptance of its tenets. In some traditions, there are degrees of initiates.

Invoke- To call upon, appeal, or summon. Invocations in magic are usually done in the beginning of ritual.

Karma- It is the law of cause and effect. The idea being that whatever you do will always come back to you.

Kitchen Witch- Someone who practices close to hearth and home. One who takes the tools of the house and performs their magic. This is a very simple and personal form of magic

Magic- The moving of universal energy by use of the will towards a specific use and function.

Meditation- a means of calming the mind and spirit through breathing techniques and introspection.

Moon Magic- The use of any of the moon's phases as a component in a spell or ritual.

Pagan- When the early Christian church came along, the popularity of Pagan traditions proved to be a real problem. Saint's days replaced Pagan holidays in an attempt to displace the old gods and make them out to be evil beings. Pagan in Latin means country-dweller

Pentacle- It was originally a symbol of health and life. Later it became known as the Witch's Cross and it is said to represent the 4 elements and the 5th element being the spirit.

Reincarnation- The belief that a person's soul is immortal, and returns to physical existence sometime after the death.

Ritual- The order in which religious services are performed. Some basic elements of a ritual are casting a circle, performing the purpose, sharing wine and cakes, and closing the circle.

Runes- An early form of writing from Germany, runes were used for communication and magickal markings. Todays runes are cast as a means of divination, carved into objects for protection, etc.

Sabbat- The name given to the 8 great festivals of the year, celebrating the movement of the sun, the seasons, etc...

Sky Clad- Participating in a circle, ritual, or magical activity without clothing. This is done in an effort to connect with nature.

Talisman- Anything that is believed to bring good luck or protect from harm.

Visualization- The use of creative mental images while meditating to bring about positive changes.

Waning Moon- Decreasing in size, the period marked from the full moon to the new moon. This is productive in banishing, releasing magic.

Water- The fourth of the alchemical elements. Water is generally considered to have feminine qualities. Water is associated with the direction of West. Also used for help with emotional issues, replenishing strength.

Waxing Moon- The time period from the new moon till the full moon, used in magic for bringing positive change, growth, and things needed in your life.

Wheel of the Year- It is basically a representation of the seasons and the process of this cycle.

Witch- One who practices a tradition of Wicca, one who practices magic.