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"Whenever you have need of anything,

once in a month, and better it be when the moon is full,

you shall assemble in some secret place

and adore the spirit of Me

who is Queen of all the Wise."

*Author Unknown


Esbats are Rituals held at moontime, new, full or dark. They consist of healing, magick, growth, inspiration, insight. They change always.

Sabbats are the eight points of the year, Esbats are for inner workings. They are designed for just that, magickal workings. These are not Holidays, rather they are times of the month where the electromagnetic pull of the moon on the earth, allows for greater power.

Many people keep track of the moon. They keep a record of its date, it's location in relation to astrology, and even numerology. Trying to understand what the flow is, and how work with it.

Even farming follows the moon. The Harvest moon is when crops are sown. The angle that the moon shines upon the earth reflects the changes of seasons.

The Moon is the representation of the Triple-Goddess. It is similar to the wheel of the year, with the exception of that its cycles are monthly. It runs in a 28-day cycle, which gives us 13 Full moons per year. This is parallel to a woman’s menstrual cycle.



Maiden; birth and initiation, virginity,

Beginnings, the hunt.

Colors are white and silver.

Goddesses are Artemis, and Nimue

The New moon is designated for initiating projects.



Mother, growth, fulfillment, and sexuality,

Maturation, and nurturing love.

Colors red, and/or green

Goddesses are Diana, and Mari.

Full moon is the peak of projects, and fullness.



Crone, and all women past menopause, old age, and deep secrets, wisdom, divination, prophecy, endings, death and reincarnation.

Color is black

Goddesses are Hecate, and Anna.

This is the death before the beginning. Time to let go to create anew.

In working with the moon, you can plan in advance your esbats. Studying when and where the moon will be, what phase it will be in, and drawing out your intents and needs, wants or desires. makes it possible to set out a plan for a full cycle of the manifestation of the intent.

At the Full Moon plan to work toward independence. At the Dark Moon toward ending limitations. When the next moon cycle comes around again, keep within the same goals, and apply them to the beginning of your new life.

There is a counter action for every intent. IF it appears not to be the proper time for a particular working, examine it again.

There is always a way around if viewed from all aspects. After all, what is gaining something, if not the opposite of losing its negative aspect. The greatest creativity is derived from thought. If one thinks creatively, one can work around these schedules.