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MET Khan

Initial Gnosis:
Homid: 2
Metis: 4
Feline: 6
Khan start with 5 Rage and 2 Willpower.

Pryio (Auspice)
Pryio, like auspice, is when the Khan was born. Unlike werewolves, the werecats are based off of the time of day in which they were born. This determines much of how the Khan will act and helps guide him through the challenges of life.
Daylight: Friendly and direct. Many are diplomats, warriors, and protectors.
Twilight: Often skilled in magic, they have great skill for mysteries. Romatics, artists, and thrill-seekers.
Night: Mostly withdrawn and secretive, they are loners. They are most often hunters, assassins, and dark mystics.

Form Stats
: More wildlike, muscular form.
Bonus Physical Traits - Ferocious, Agile, Resilient, Stalwart
Negative Social Traits - Bestial, Tactless
Claws inflict Aggravated damage.

Half-man, half-tiger war form
Bonus Physical Traits - Ferocious x2, Brutal, Agile x2, Resilient x2, Relentless Negative Social Traits - Bestial x2, Tactless
Teeth and Claws inflict Aggravated damage.

Incites lessened Delerium.
Sabertooth tiger form.
Bonus Physical Traits - Ferocious x2, Brutal x2, Agile x2, Resilient x2, Relentless Negative Social Traits - Bestial x2, Tactless
Teeth inflict Aggravated damage. Simple test to inflict an additional Health Level of damage when biting.
Incites full Delerium.
Feline: Standard tiger form.
Bonus Physical Traits - Ferocious, Brutal, Agile, Tireless
Negative Social Traits - Bestial

Tribal Advantage
The Khan have a reputation for being superb fighters, and this fact is not far from the truth. Whatever a Khan does, he does full tilt. Whether fighting, romancing, or hunting, he does it to the best of his ability. When engaged in combat, the sheer power of a weretiger is nearly unstoppable. To reflect this, the Khan gain a free retest when in combat once per session. This retest may even be used to retest against powers such as the vampiric power of Potence: Might.

Tribal Disadvantage
All werecats have three tribal secrets that they must never reveal. Any of these three may be true, or none at all, but whatever the case, the Khan must live by them. The Yava is not known outside of the tribe, but should someone on the outside learn it, it would almost surely be the end of the tribe. The secrets cannot be forced out of them in any way, not even magical. They must be freely given.
1. The Khan are often called the tribe of the sun. When it sleeps, so do they. During an eclipse, the Khan will sleep for a full day, then awake with a terrible hunger.
2. The Khan cannot resist the meat of an innocent child, though it violates their laws to eat it.
3. A weretiger cannot resist a direct challenge. To refuse costs him his Rage for a fortnight.

Razor Claws

As the Ahroun Gift.

Sense the Truth
As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.

Rhino’s Favor
By calling on the spirit of the rhino, the tiger may temporarily grow a horn on his forehead. It makes the user of this gift quite disturbing to look at, but it allows him to ram an opponent quite hard This gift is taught by a rhino, ram, or goat spirit.

System: The Khan spends a Gnosis to grow the horn form his head. This gives him the ability to heat-butt enemies for aggravated damage. It also adds the Physical Trait: Tough and the Negative Social Trait: Repugnant. As tiger’s skulls are not built for ramming, if he fails and attack, he will take an automatic Health Level of bashing damage.

Skin of Jade
Focusing his energy inward, a Khan can will his skin as hard as rock. This gift is taught by a spirit of the rock.
System: By spending a Willpower Trait, the tiger adds two Health Levels to himself. This effect lasts a scene. Any damage done to these Health Levels just dissipates at the end of the duration.

Heart of Fury
As the Ahroun Gift.

Ricepaper Walk
By attuning his inner energie, a Khan may move across even the most delicate surface without disturbing it. This gift is usable in all forms, even Crinos! It will last as long as the weretiger concentrates, but ends as soon as his attention is shifted elsewhere.

System: The Khan spends a Physical Trait and must keep a moving pace to keep this gift active. Any distractions will cause the person to make a static Mental Challenge to stay focused. The larger the noise, the higher the difficulty becomes. He cannot carry any living weight, but can haul a significant amount of inanimate weight.

Sense of the Prey
As the Ragabash Gift.


Maker’s Charm
As the Intermediate Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker.

Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger
By channeling chi power, the Bastet sheathes her hands in crackling spirit energy. She can then tear through adversaries in the spirit world without actually having to step sideways, so long as she can see them. No spirit will teach this gift, for good reason, so she will have to learn it from another Khan.
System: Spending a Gnosis Trait and concentrating, the Khan’s paws begin to smolder in a blue-white light. The Khan my now make attacks on those who are in the spirit realm. The color burns from blue to green to yellow to red. When it reaches a pinkish hue, the power fades. This takes six turns from start to finish.

Asura’s Bane
As the Intermediate Bubasti Gift: Banish Cahlash’s Brood, except it turns the tiger’s fur white, instead of black. Unlike the shadowcats, the Khan call upon Rahjah to banish the Wyrm.

Devour the Unclean
As the Theurge Gift: Spirit Drain. This Gift can only be used on Banes, but the energy gained from doing so is purified somewhat by this power. A Tiger-spirit teaches this Gift.

Punishment of the Moon
As the Ahroun Gift: Silver Claws.

Gouting forth like a thunderclap, the Khan spits forth a ball of intense fire at his enemies. This burning phlegm continues to blaze until it, or it’s target, is consumed. A fire spirit teaches this gift.
System: By expending a Gnosis Trait, the weretiger blasts out a fireball worth half the number of his permanent Gnosis (rounded down) of aggravated damage. The Khan then makes a mass Physical Challenge against everyone in the 10’ blast area. Victims that cannot escape the area (trapped, not fast enough, stunned, ect…) and burned automatically. Flammable materials will ignite immediately. On the next turn, everything is in the area will take the damage again, at one less damage level than the previous round. This continues until the fire runs out of damage to deal.

Call to Battle

As the Ahroun Gift: Strength of Will.

Thousand-Thunder Strike
By slamming her paws together and invoking one of Rahjah’s manifestations, a Khan can cause a massive shockwave that will destroy buildings and disrupt evil spirits. The King of Cats teaches this Gift to esteemed Khan.
System: The tiger spends two Gnosis Traits, invokes one of the names of Rahjah, and smacks her paws together. The shockwave inflicts 3 points of Power damage on Asura and other Banes on either side of the gauntlet they are on. This wave of force shakes and rattles structures within a 200 foot radius. Everyone in the area must make a Physical Challenge against the Khan or be knocked to the ground. The actual damage to buildings and other things is left up to the Storyteller, but regardless, it is an impressive amount of destruction.

Bastet backgrounds can be found in MET Journal #1.