Praying for Our Children
We pray for children who put chocolate fingers everywhere
Who like to be tickled
Who stomp in puddles
Ruin their new pants
Sneak popsicles before supper
Erase holes in math workbooks
And who can never find their shoes.
We pray for those who stare at photographers
From behind barbed wire or steel bars
Who can't bound in the street
In a new pair of sneakers
Who never go to the circus
And who live in an X-rated world.
We pray for children who bring us sticky kisses
Fistfuls of dandelions
Who sleep with the dog
Bury the goldfish
Who hug us in a hurry
Forget their lunch money
Who cover themselves with Band-Aids
Sing off key
Who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink
And who slurp their soup.
We pray for those who never get dessert
Who have no safe blanket to drag
Who watch their parents watch them die
Who can't find any bread to steal
Who don't have any rooms to clean
And whose monsters are real.
We pray for children who spend their allowance
Before Tuesday
Who throw tantrums in the grocery store
Pick at their food
Who like ghost stories
Who shove dirty clothes under the bed
Never rinse the tub
Who get visits from the tooth fairy
Who don't like to be kissed in front of school
Who squirm in church
Scream in the phone
Whose tears we sometimes laugh at
And whose smiles can make us cry.
We pray for those whose nightmares come in the daytime
Who will eat anything
Who aren't spoiled by anybody
Who go to bed hungry
Cry themselves to sleep
And who live and move without any being.
We pray for children who want to be carried
Who for those who must
For those we never give up on
For those who don't get a second chance
For those we smother…
And for those who will grab anyone kind enough to offer it.
We pray for children who
Without so much as a thought
Are abused mentally, physically and sexually
We pray for children murdered, stuffed in garbage bags
We pray for those tiny angels
On a shiny starlit night
Pray for all those angels on their way to heaven's gate
Pray for all those angels that might be left behind.
Blessed are the Angels who walk with us
Though we are unaware
Those people who take time to listen…
To understand and care.
Blessed are those with unseen halos
Earned through deeds of love
For they will always be for us…
Sweet Blessings From Above !
Angel of Reflection
It begins in your heart as a yearning.
Then you question your life and your goal.
But the questions just keep you returning
To a place hidden deep in your soul.
Though you can feel alone and unworthy
As you try to remember what's real.
You're restrained by emotions you don't see
And the pain is so raw it won't heal.
With a subtle awareness you are feeling
As an Angel appears magically,
Who then offers the process of healing
You're now free to be all you can be.
She will mirror intense love that's so true.
Reawaken, envelop her light.
This magnificent Being before you
Brings a treasure that's your Divine right.