August 30, 2002 - Live From Chicago, Illinois

Friday Extreme opening video and credits are shown.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the hottest new show in the MWA - "Friday Extreme"! We're still dealing the aftershock of "Hemorrhage" and the effects will be felt tonight. Our main event features hot newcomer Yorik taking on the new Cruiserweight Champion JetPak. Also tonight we'll have Syn Vs. Jack van der Man, Ravishing Rob Red Eyes Vs. Springheel Jack and a #1 Contender Match for the European Title between Blizzard and DooM. It's going to be one hell of a show, so let's get it started...

"Downfall" by Trust Company plays and Rave comes down to the ring to a chorus of boos and he is soaking up all the attention. He steps through the ropes and stands in the center of the ring with that newly aquired European Title draped over his shoulder. He takes the belt and hangs it over the top rope and grabs a mic.

"Since this is my show, I thought there was no better way to start off 'Friday Extreme' than with an appearance from me, the brand new European Champion! I told you so, didn't I? I told each and every one of you what I would do to DooM at 'Hemorrhage' and none of you would listen to me. Well, just take a look at this European Title belt, and that speaks for itself. What's done is done, and as far as I am concerned, this feud between DooM and I is history; it's finished. Today is a brand new day, and with this new day comes a new punk who wants to take a run at me and the European Championship. Blizzard, you little bitch, it's not too late for you; you can still back out of this whole thing. Just pack your bag and book yourself a flight out of Chicago, I won't think anything of it if you want to leave the MWA and avoid an ass-kicking from me. If you choose to stick around and go through with this, you will regret it. Mark my words, you will regret ever stepping into the ring again with me. Ask your friend DooM what it's like to get his ass handed to him two pay-per-views in a row! He'll tell you what it is like to get his head bashed in by yours truly. Not once, but twice I have taken this European Title from him. But Blizzard, you will never take this belt from me. If you get past DooM later tonight, you will just be another victim of the future, the future of this company, and that's me, the chosen one!"

The crowd is chanting "Asshole! Asshole!" and Rave is nodding his head, with a big smile on his face...

"The real reason I am out here tonight is to invite all of the lovely ladies here in the MWA down to the ring. As you know, I am a single man now and I would like to see what there is to choose from around here. So ladies, come on down!"

Brandy's entrance music hits and Rave's face lights up with a smile. He rubs his hands together and motions with his arms to come on down. But it's not Brandy coming out to her music, it's Blizzard! Blizzard grabs a microphone and stands at the top of the entrance ramp.

"Would you please shut the hell up Rave! We're all tired of your mouth around here, and it's about time one us shut you up. None of the women here in the MWA want to get with a loser like you, so spare us your pathetic version of 'The Dating Game' and let's get to the point. You and I Rave, we have issues, that's no secret. And I know it was you who talked the writers into booking me in a match with my friend and fellow member of The Domain, DooM. Well, your little plan has backfired on you. DooM and I, along with the rest of The Domain, are stronger than ever and this has not done a thing to us but bring us closer together. Whether it's me or DooM, one of us will take that European Title from you. And why wait...?"

Blizzard starts walking down to the ring and Rave is waiting for him in the ring. Then the crowd goes wild, as they see DooM come out of the crowd. He climbs into the ring and stands behind Rave. Blizzard walks all the way down to the ring and just smiles at Rave, as DooM taps him on the shoulder. DooM spins Rave around and drops him with a vicious DDT! DooM grabs the European Title off the ropes, stares at it for a second and then throws it down onto Rave, who is lying flat on the mat, dazed and confused from that DDT delivered by DooM. DooM and Blizzard high five each other as the walk back up the ramp.

A video of highlights from "Hemorrhage" is shown. This video focuses on the surprising return of former MWA World Champion Ace. An advertisement for Venom's new t-shirt is also shown.

Folks, welcome back! What a way to start off this episode of "Friday Extreme"! DooM and Blizzard pulled a fast one on Rave, and the crowd loved every minute of it. I'm sure these fans will be pulling for their hometown hero DooM later tonight, but he just gave them something to cheer about just before we went to commercial break. Up next we have our first match of the evening, Ravishing Rob Red Eyes Vs. Springheel Jack.

A video of Springheel Jack's victory at "Hemorrhage" is shown.

"Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson plays, here comes Springheel Jack...
"Money For Nothing" by Dire Straits plays, here comes Ravishing Rob Red Eyes...

Clothesline from Springheel Jack on Ravishing Rob, Springheel Jack follows that with a big elbow drop. He picks up Ravishing Rob and whips him into the ropes, knee to the stomach and Ravishing Rob goes down hard! Now Springheel Jack slows down the pace and locks Ravishing Rob into a sleeper hold. He's grinding it in and Ravishing Rob is really taking some punishment so far in this match. Ravishing Rob gets a second wind and launches some elbows into Springheel Jack's stomach, after five hard elbows Springheel Jack breaks the hold and Ravishing Rob hits him with a few hard punches. Springheel Jack is dazed as Ravishing Rob runs off the ropes and hits a hard clothesline on Springheel Jack. Knee drop from Ravishing Rob, who has now fully regained advantage. Ravishing Rob runs and hits a springboard flip off the ropes and crashes back into Springheel Jack, who was just getting off the mat. The two collided pretty hard, and both men are on the ground. Springheel Jack gets to his feet first and hits a suplex on Ravishing Rob. Springheel Jack goes to the second rope and hits a big leg drop on Ravishing Rob. Springheel Jack throws Ravishing Rob out of the ring, then he himself dives out of the ring, knocking Ravishing Rob into the security gate. Springheel Jack picks up Ravishing Rob and tosses him back into the ring. Springheel Jack picks up Ravishing Rob and sets him up for his finishing move From Hell, Ravishing Rob escapes the hold and hits Springheel Jack with low blow. Ravishing Rob runs off the ropes but Springheel Jack ducks, there it is, From Hell! The referee slides down and counts 1-2-3!

Winner: Springheel Jack

That was a great opening match! Springheel Jack has been on a role recently and he was very impressive here tonight. Ravishing Rob Red Eyes has potential, but over the last couple of weeks he just hasn't been able to get over the hump and get a victory. Coming up next we have a special appearance by the MWA World Champion - Venom!

Commercial break. A commercial is shown for The Domain's new t-shirt. A video of Venom's victory at "Hemorrhage" is shown.

Originally Venom was scheduled to cut a promo at this time. For some unknown reason he is refusing to appear on the show. When approached by an MWA cameracrew and reporter, he smashed the camera and refused to answer any questions. So I guess we'll cut our losses and not have the MWA World Champion on "Friday Extreme" this week after all. Let's get to our next match, which features the mysterious Syn Vs. Jack van der Man.

"Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm plays, and here comes Jack van der Man...
"Drink The Midnight Hymn" by Virgin Black plays, and here comes Syn...

Jack van der Man is in the ring, but Syn is nowhere to be found. Man is holding up his arms, asking the ref what is going on? The bell rings, but Syn is still not in the ring. The referee begins to count, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8...and the lights go out. The crowd goes silent and we hear a man scream loudly, it sounded like Jack van der Man. After about 15 seconds, the lights come back on and Syn is standing over Jack van der Man. JVDM is drenched in blood and Syn is laughing hysterically. He picks up van der Man and drives him hard into the mat with his shoulder. Jack van der Man is lying in the ring, totally demolished by Syn. Syn then puts his hands on Jack's head, closes his eyes and tilts his head back, his face pointing to the sky. Jack begins to convulse violently on his back and Syn seems to be in control of him. After minute of this, Syn steps back and Jack gets to his feet. Jack stares at Syn, but he is dazed and confused. Syn then nails Jack van der Man with a vicious powerbomb. Syn picks up Jack's body and drags him over to the corner of the ring. Syn climbs up to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Jack van der Man. This monster is agile and he has this crowd sitting in silence. There is a buzz in the air as Syn sets up Jack for his finishing move. Wow! Syn just hit the Original Sin on Jack, that was just wicked! The referee gets down and counts 1-2-3.

Winner: Syn

Folks, I don't know if I have seen anything this strange in the MWA before. What Syn just did to Jack van der Man was not only strange, but it was overly impressive. I don't know if anyone else saw this, but at the end of that match, if you want to call it that, Rave came out from backstage and watched as Syn destroyed Jack van der Man. He seemed pleased with what he saw, and then he slipped backstage again. What the hell was that about? What just happened here? The fans are dumbfounded, as am I. That was very strange to say the least.

Commercial break. As we come back from break we see Syn talking to someone who is standing behind the door. When Syn sees the camera crew, he scares them away. Venom is shown backstage getting into a car and leaving the arena.

Our next match is a #1 Contender match for the European Championship, which is currently held by Rave. Two members of The Domain will do battle here tonight, as we see DooM Vs. Blizzard. And I have just been handed a piece of paper that says this is now a 'no disqualification' match. This should be a real sloberknocker, let's get to the action...

"El Distorto De Melodica" by Everclear plays, here comes Blizzard...
"Walk" by Pantera plays, here comes DooM...

Blizzard and DooM stare each other down, then they walk slowly towards each other and shake hands. As they walk away from each other, DooM turns around and waits for Blizzard to do so, and when he does he nails him with a hard right hand. DooM lands some hard forarms on Blizzard's upper back and neck, he goes down on one knee. DooM whips Blizzard off the ropes and hits a clothesline on him. DooM picks up Blizzard and throws him into the turnbuckle hard. DooM comes sailing into the corning with a splash, but Blizzard moves out of the way. Stunned, DooM staggers backwards as Blizzard hits him with a stunning neckbreaker. Blizzard goes to the corner, gets on the second turnbuckle and drops a hard elbow into DooM's mid-section. Blizzard lifts DooM to his knees and hits him with a series of hard chops to the chest, which stun DooM. DooM now up to his feet as Blizzard goes for a suplex; it's blocked, he tries again, but DooM blocks it and then reverses it into a suplex on Blizzard. DooM regains the advantage and drops a vicious elbow on Blizzard. And again, another elbow drop. DooM gets up and acknowledges the crowd, who go nuts. DooM is really eating up the cheers from his hometown crowd. DooM picks up Blizzard and whips him into the ropes, Blizzard ducks a clothesline attempt and bounces back with a big cross-body splash on DooM. Blizzard then uses his quickness and hits a spingboard flip off the ropes and back onto DooM. Blizzard gets a headlock on DooM and then lays back and applies a submission chokehold, which is out of the ordinary for Blizzard. The referee is checking to see if DooM is submitting or not; he is not. DooM breaks free from the submission hold and they brawl for a minute, trading blows back and forth. DooM gets knocked through the ropes, Blizzard dives out of the ring but DooM moves and Blizzard goes crashing through the announcer table! DooM picks up Blizzard and throws him back into the ring, avoiding a countout.

Just then the lights go out. When they come back on a few seconds later, Syn is standing behind DooM. He grabs DooM from behind and hits a wicked inverted DDT on him. Remember folks, this is a no disqualification match. Syn then locks his intense eyes on Stacy at ringside. Stacy looks scared as Syn gets out of the ring and corners her. She seems stunned and so scared she's unable to run away. Syn grabs Stacy and hoists her over his shoulder and takes her backstage. DooM gets up just in time to see this happening and takes off running backstage. Just as he gets to the entrance ramp he is nailed by a steel chair in the head, and out from the shadows steps Rave! Rave drags DooM back down to the ring, and pulls him up into the ring. Blizzard, who is still dazed from that hard crashlanding, is lying in the ring. Rave laughs and looks out over crowd. He rubs his chin like he is thinking about something. He points to DooM and the crowd goes nuts, he points to Blizzard and the crowd has a mixed reaction, almost booing him. Rave nods his head and picks up Blizzard. Oh my god! Rave just hit The Hangover of Blizzard, and the crowd goes crazy thinking that Rave just helped DooM win the match. Rave then drags Blizzard to the center of the ring, as the crowd is still going wild. Rave looks up, nods again and smiles, and puts Blizzard on top of DooM and demands the referee to count to three; the referee reluctantly does so, 1-2-3!

Winner: Blizzard

The crowd boos loudly and starts to throw trash into the ring. Rave doesn't stick around and heads up the ramp and backstage. The camera crew follows him and we see Rave meet up with Syn, who has Stacy (Ecstasy) in the backseat of a car. Rave gets behind the wheel and they speed off leaving the arena parking lot. Back in the ring Blizzard and DooM are dazed and wondering what happened. They both get to their feet and see the replay on the big screen. They both snap as they watch the footage. DooM and Blizzard look at each other and immediatly run up the ramp backstage.

What a shocking turn of events. Rave and Syn, together? This must be the dark alliance that Syn was talking about all week. Rave and Syn are a deadly combination, that was already proven here tonight, as they kidnapped Stacy and ruined the DooM Vs. Blizzard match. What was Rave thinking? We hope to get some answers from him or Syn sometime soon, we hope! Switching gears, up next we have our main event of the evening, a Cruiserweight Title match between the newly crowned champion JetPak and newcomer Yorik.

A commercial is shown promoting the release of "Damaged" on DVD and VHS. Another commercial is shown for the hot new trading cards, featuring all your favorite MWA superstars. Each pack contains a special gold card, featuring past MWA Champions.

Welcome back. The Commissioner of the MWA, H-K is joining me now at the announcer's area. He has a microphone and walks up the steps into the ring.

Hello Chicago! I'm going to make this short and sweet; I have a major announcement to make, but due to unforseen problems, the announcement will have to wait until "Thunder". I know, I know, you all want to know the news now. But since you have to wait until "Thunder", I will give you another piece of news that I think you'll all enjoy. I have just signed a new match for "Thunder" next week, and it is Rave and Syn Vs. DooM and Blizzard! See you on "Thunder"!

Commissioner H-K waves to the electric Chicago crowd and heads back down to ringside, where he will watch the main event.

What a surprise, a tag team match between Rave and Syn Vs. DooM and Blizzard, that will be intense! "Thunder" is shaping up to be one hell of a show, no doubt. Let's get to our main event of the evening...

"Soul To Bleed" by Carfax Abbey plays, and here comes Yorik...
"Inside Out" by Eve 6 plays, and here comes JetPak...

The two men trade blows right away. Yorik gains the advantage with a blow to the mid-section on JetPak. Yorik hits a suplex and then a quick elbow drop. Yorik bounes off the ropes but misses a leg drop. JetPak to his feet. Dropkick on Yorik, knocking him through the ropes. Oh my! JetPak just did a baseball slide into Yorik, kicking him right in the face! Yorik goes flying against the railing and then falls on the ground. As Yorik gets to his feet, JetPak runs and leaps over the ropes into Yorik, and they both go crashing down. JetPak tosses Yorik back into the ring. Yorik gains the advantage with a missle dropkick to JetPak's chest, he didn't see that coming at all. Yorik then hits a hurricarana on JetPak, and then follows with a hard clothesline, knocking JetPak back down hard on his back. A few stiff kicks by Yorik into JetPak's stomach and chest. Yorik goes to the top rope, but misses a big frog splash.

Both men are back up to their feet and they begin trading shots again back and forth. Spin kick by JetPak catches Yorik off guard. JetPak bounces off the ropes and does a roll into a flip, landing hard on Yorik. JetPak slows things down with a headlock, but Yorik quickly escapes and pushes JetPak into the ropes and hits him with hard forarm shot to the back of the head. DDT from Yorik, 1-2...kickout. Yorik drops an elbow on JetPak and then lands a few more hard kicks to his back. Yorik whips JetPack into the ropes, but JetPak grabs the ropes and spins around and comes back at Yorik with a flying forarm, knocking Yorik out of the ring again. JetPak runs and dives over the ropes, and hits a big hurricarana on Yorik, sending him flying into the side of the ring steps. JetPak throws Yorik back into the ring. Standing dropkick on Yorik. JetPak then sets him up for the Ariel Assualt, bam! He nailed it, the referee slides down for the 1-2-3!

Winner: JetPak

A very solid match. I was very impressed with Yorik and JetPak showed why he is the Cruiserweight Champion. This was a nice way to end the show I think. What the hell? Here comes DooM down the ramp and he's getting in the ring. He looks distraught.

"Syn, you better listen up and listen good punk! I don't know what Rave has put you up to and I really don't give a damn! You have Stacy, and that's all that matters to me right now. So we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can either let Stacy go and just resolve this in the ring, or you can keep playing these mind games and eventually meet your DOOM! The choice is yours Syn, what are you going to do?"

The crowd cheers, DooM stares into the camera with a very angry look on his face as the shows goes off the air.

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