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Random Pictures on a Trip to Florida

Capulin Nat'l Monument, Northeastern New Mexico. An interesting extinct valcano. A paved road leads to the top and a 1 mile trail loops the crater top.

A New Orleans Latin Quarter street scene near our hotel.

A local residence. Not the average home.

A city cemetary...above ground burial.

Hotel Provincial. Our home for a few days.

One way to tour the Latin Quarter.

The USS Alabama, at Mobile Bay. We toured this and a submarine.

The main gun turret facing forward.

A closer view. The wife looks like the Cap'n of the Boat.

The coast along the gulf near Pensacola. Very windy this day.

A small resort we stayed at near Marathon Key.

The same resort.

A beach front motel we stayed in the first night before finding the more secluded resort in preceding pictures.

Pelicans are seen regularly in the keys and some are not too wary of humans as this one demonstrates.

Sunset on the Gulf at Marathon.

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