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Plague Tower
+++Chaos Incursion Moving Too Rapidly+++
+++Requesting Permission to Abort+++

The wizard had to be cut in half which is near impossible to do without wrecking him, but strangely enough when all was done, he really ROX. The Rhino is all done in putty, and the plague marine was cut in half. They are featured together because they are the only 2 times I ever want to have to use a saw on a GW mini.

The raptors are a current project so I will post another picture soon with a writeup for the unit. Heres a brief (brief my butt) on the possessed marines. Left to right we have: 1Putty Rebereather,a putty tentacle and a chaos spawn tail 2 Chaos Titan for epic tail on nurgle marine with cool eye cover shoulder pad, and no eyes in head. 3 Zombie head, scalped, tentacles from some beast of nurgle and various parts, 4 zombie head, old school plastic Chaos SM body, Genestealer arm, and Stegadon horns out the back, 5 Modified zombie head, horns added, cape, and genecult arm.
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my stuff.