Plague Tower
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
Well, if you have a business and you want me to post a link or review here is everything you need to know!
Plague Tower is(as we all know) posted on Angelfire, and I can not seem to get a clear oppinion as to how angelfire feels about me "charging" for advertising. There are 2 legal ways to do this then....
1.Monthly reviews- this is a simple package, if you produce miniatures or resin or terrain, you can simply send us a sample of your product to review. For instance, you are a company that produces a line of wargaming miniatures, you would send us a blister of minis every month and in return we would paint and review said mini's and keep a picture link to your page up on the index page of the site. This is mainly a double favour. We get mini's and you get advertising, and a trust worthy review. The same would go for Resin Terrain makers.
For businesses offering discount mini's, it would be the same deal, we would review the blister of mini's sent to us, plus the shipping time, and the communication between the business and ourselves, a link to your site would be provided on the front page.
For painters...this is a tough one. I myself was a professional painter so I know how hard it is, and what a pain it can be. Contact me and we will work something out, I am not sure what exchange can be made but I'm sure we could think of something.
Gaming Companies, if you are fighting the GW mega-beast, you are fighting the good fight, and we want ot help by offering you your own section. This section will feature the following, reviews from 3 parties of the website, pictures of painted mini's and your game, a link on the front page, a written outline of the games background, a link to your site on the main page AND on the section page, and outline of the races or teams in said games, and just an all around review of everything you have. Follow ups will be done as your line grows.
If you some day stop sending mini's for review(or any of the other things listed above), here is what happens(it sounds like a threat but keep reading).
A non-picture link will remain on the first page, and yoru reviews will remain as they are.
If you maintain a monthly influx of product for review, we will continue to do reviews, we will continue to have a picture link on the front page, and you can send in events and info about your business(2-3 sentences long though, we don't want the index page TOTALLY cluttered)
The average size of review items should be kept small, for instance, blisters, not boxed sets, small terrain, not castles. Just small things we can review and get some people over to your site to buy it up! EAch case is different though so contact me and we will work on something!
2.Special Case-You are a business that has something to do with wargaming and I have not listed anything for you, or you have another idea(anything but money, I refuse to make money off of Angelfire's free space), then contact me and we will do something for you, there is a plethora of businesses out there so I hope you contact me, I would love to offer my visitors some sort of trust worthy review of alternative products and services/retailers. The wargaming hobby is HUGE and I am happy to advertise to anyone offering an expansion of that hobby.(that means if you aren't specifically warhammer related you should still contact me).
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