John Carswell
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Possible Threat+++
Ok, here, for your viewing pleasure(hehe, nipples) is One VERY nice looking demon prince(ss) which is a dragon of the month from Ral Partha, painted VERY well, and, a space wolf rune priest, Which is a pretty old librarian with a rogue trader era jump pack(later adopted by the orks in second, and not even good enough for them in 3rd) Any questions, or accusations of jealousy and hatred for his beautifull painting can be sent here I'm sure John would love to hear from you guys about his awsome stuff.
Here we have some token flesh tearers, because EVERYONE seems to collect some sort of blood angels(just razzing). these are really well done marines in MK 4, 5-8 armour with newer space marine arms, for all you kiddies or newbies who just started playing, SPACE MARINES USED TO BE METAL. Very nice, and a great addition to the page. BTW, John has some REALLY awsome terrain as well. Maybe he will tell us how he made the columns.
Well, as I promised: One Dark eldar succubus. The sword is an agoniser, ripped from the hands of a now crying mutie raider(I still want those models too). This is a very green goblin like skyboard. Neat conversion, especially considering its a great salvage job on a bad model (this is my personal oppinion on the hellions, I am just not impressed with their faces). Good Job, keep em coming John.
Hey maybe I'll go back and look at more Bartertownian Paint Jobs! This stuff Rocks!