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Lord Immp
+++Hey Nids and Plague Stuff, GREAT+++
+++Lord Immp's groovy conversion corner+++

Metal Plague marines are expensive for one and only come in so much variation. Eventually any good Plague Lord must turn to conversions and THIS folks is why Nurgle makes such a cool Deity. This is a shining example of how great Nurgle is for conversions. This is Lord Immp's very own Nurlge Champion. The bits are all from either the Space marine or the zombie sprue so you don't have to locate any super obscure stuff here. Still he looks excellent and well...QUITE plaguey.(the exception is the sword which I THINK is off of a plague champion from fantasy battles)

Following in the footsteps of their predecessor these zombies in power armour represent some of Nurgle's finest. I like that they are wearing various suits of power armour making it look like they have been picked up over several run-ins with Imperial forces!

Well, here we have some various elven models belonging to Lord Immp. All dark and mean looking and hey, they all have different skin tones...not a bad idea. I personally like the Morathi figure and would like on of my own. (Zivilyn painted one for a customer once, it pained me to see it go).

Well prepare to be even more amazed because as neat as this little conversion is Lord Immp has some other good ideas too. What did he do to make this groovy looking carnifex? Well you see, Lord Immp is a guy after my own heart. He hates the goofy looking face on the Carnifex and did everything in his power to make it go away. First he filed down the Rhino horn(dumb looking horn anyway) and then slipped a zoanthrope carapace over it. That took care of those Cookie Crisp dog eyes and Left him with one mean tank eating machine!
Lets see some more stuff by Lord Immp