Lord Immp
+++Hey Nids and Plague Stuff, GREAT+++
+++Lord Immp's groovy conversion corner+++
OK, for starters this thing is BIG. Antoher foam construction I believe, it is actually high detail, note the Spore chimney drooping its tendons into the spawning pool to collect vital juices. TO prove how BIG this thing is here's some people who will vouch for it.... "kill me..."- Chick on the Wall, Aliens These are some of the lucky Red Terror victims, dropped off like like a Dump Rruck would dump its dayly load. As you can see the spore chimney piece is BIG. And the small detail is very effective if not nasty. This is my favorite piece. It has no name. Not even Lord Immp knows what it is. It seems to be bleeding...or at least seeping. It looks great though and has a good paint job so I like it. It is also wierd and nameless, another plus in my books, we are playing on ALIEN worlds here people! Although not my favorite spore tower(I REALLY like the SABOL stuff) but hey it ties in the rest of the table. And it still looks good. I am guessing this puppy is HUGE like at least a foot tall, probably more. And excellent piece of work and something Immp should be proud of. And now...back to our show.(the other galleries silly) |