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+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Jay's stuff+++

This is too cool and a better Strigoi than GW makes. Its Beorg bearstruck from the Dogs of war Army with the slaanesh demon prince head. Nice and clean conversion, and I wouldn't mind seeing the rest of the army!

Ask and ye shall recieve, more undead as ordered. The left pic is Jay's general leading a unit of mounted graveguard. The right is a third of Jay's undead Mordhiem warband. The pic is of his vampire, an assasin and 3 dregs.

Always the perfect mix of new an old, we continue with the undead warband with Very oop, oop and new ghouls! Follow that with various wolf models for Dire wolves, a range of ghosts some of which I have never seen and some neat multi race zombie conversions and Jay has one of the nicest Mordheim warbands I have ever seen. Of coarse this is the first Warband I have put on the site too. But I am sure it stands up very nicely in competition as well.

Jay's Chaos Warband, in the right pic, A magister, 2 darksouls, 2 mutants and a possesed. I think the possesed is a chaos hound(or khorne dog) with a spawn head and a Chaos spawn's tail. On the left, we have 2 beast men, 1 bretheren hero and a bunch of bretheren. I like the hair jobs and the continuity. Cool warband and there is a good showing of oop mini's here.

Well, I didn't do a write-up for a long time and I don't know why, but these are some really nice scenery pieces, all mounted on CD's by the way.

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