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+++Downloading Something Green+++
+++Killhaven's Roaming Armour+++

Ah, the products of VDR. This seems to be a fair conversion. There is no cheesyness here at all actually, and just for the complainers, Killhaven even dropped the armour on this bad boy. Mind you it fits more guys and it now has missle launchers. No complaints from teh peanut gallery? I thought so.

Trying to claim my crown as conversion king, killhaven has constructed some pretty nice dreadnaughts. I am guessing that Killhaven is used to dishing it out quite nicely in his games. I really like the old juggernaught or bloodthirster head on the first dread which is another VDR creature called a Bloodhammer aka asskicker.

If you played Chaos, you would understand EVERY army owner should have a Greater demon pertaining to their allegiances, be it khorne/nurgle/those other two useless gods...(I am going to be lynched). This is a nicely painted Demon. I miss mine actually(If the person who bought it is reading this, please send me a pic to remember it by....)

Well, as a finally(for now) we have, an ork bike nob, very nice considering my particular dislike of the older bikers, this one is cool. Then the Ork of Orks, Da boy Of Da Boyz, Ghazkull Mag Urguk Thraka(sp?, oh never mind) Gee, I wonder who's gonna win? And, last but not least, a WYSIWYG's happy dream, an Ork that really has the iron gob AND bionic Bonce on him, Hey Da Heat, take a note of this!

Well, another act of Orky ingenuity. A big old Battlewagon prep'ed for da killin feelds. This is a pretty darn cool conversion, and it has GW bitz on it so they can't complain. I like the tracks!

Just a few more pics of the battle wagon, I doubt your complaining though, its pretty cool!
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