+++A strange re-union with an old nemesis?+++
+++Huge improvements on painting skill! And some Neat conversions+++
WRAITHLORDS ARE COOL Here is a fine assemblage of Eldar Heavy Tech. Although most players would disagree with 2 wraithlords, I say who cares. 2 wraithlords are legal, so like it or not we all have to deal with em. Plus at least they are painted nice! I am starting to grow more affectionate of the newer zoanthrope. I have come to peace with the fact they are Giger rip offs and Just decided that "hey the models are cool, so oh well" This is no exception right here. I like the detail on the head. And here is the whole kit and kaboodle (a stupid saying if there ever was one) All of Kraken's eldar assembled and ready to shred something. Well not NURGLE though...hehehe. Lets see some more stuff by Kraken |