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+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Attacking Farseer!!+++

Um, cool. Plain and simple, this is a cool toy. Somehow a Lictor and an avatar were brought together as one model for the purposes of D&D monsters and this is what we have, a hulking behemoth, armed with a HUGE sword and a big ugly head. Clean conversion, good paint job, Great overall model.

I am reminded of Snortzeneggar from Predator, when he covered himself in mud to avoid being seen by the predator(who was only half as intimidating as the creature above the sniper, so lets pardon him for wanting to stay hidden!

Fist of all, a sister of battle leader. Very nice sword. But of more note is the guy beside her. The famous, irrepresible, and just plain fun, Linrandir. Well Farseer Linrandir to be more specific! Very cool.

Proof that other games exist? What are these? Hehehe. Very nice looking brutes in armour surrounding a samuri of some form. Linrandir is enlightened by the way, and apparently buys figures without GW logos on em.

Keep the skull heads together. First of all a very nicely done Dark Reaper Exarch, and a new one to boot. I figured this was an excellent time to throw in the 6 armed skeleton demon dude. Very neat looking model!
Lets check out some other galleries!