+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Even more stuff+++
![]() This right here is some Eavy Metal quality stuff. The marine captain or Marshal is one of my favorite marine models just because of his bad a$$ helmet! And a black man in the 40k universe, WOW! My buddy Karl would be proud. I scowl at GW for producing such an anglo specific line of miniatures. Its good to see some people covering those bases of humanity that GW seems to have forgotten.(Macragge isn't the only one BTW, I myself had some multi racial marines and GW is finally incorporating them into the studios in their Salamander's armies.) Good job! And great paint jobs to boot. ![]() Thunder hammers are a mean customer. Nothing like bashing your opponent's brains out before he gets in a hit on you! I commend the conversion as one of importance and necessity. YES IT IS NECESSARY TO BASH IN THE OPPONENT'S HEAD! ![]() Now here is something my mind never even grasped at, combi bolters for non-termies! I am being honest BTW. I never really thought to do that, but in a shooty unit I see that being a BIG advantage. And to this day(don't laugh) I have EVERY SINGLE oop and normal plague marine EXCEPT for the melta gun one....Geez. ![]() Havoks, a must in any army with so little options for heavy wepons within squads such as Nurgle. In a nurgle themed army I normally take at least one unit of havoks with 3 heavy bolters. You lose the T5 that your whole army has, BUT that encourages your enemy to fire at the troops and not the support! ![]() Bikes are a unit that requires commitment. They are expensive, they only come in packs of one and they are a pain to paint up taking 3-4 times longer than a standard troop. BUT converted bikes made with other figs. NOW THAT is not commitment that is fanatisism(see Quasi's Chaos sorcerer on bike). Knowing the pain of cutting guys in half and playing with em till they fit on a bike they weren't meant for I feel for poor Macragge. These are very nice conversions and are worthy of great respect. May they destroy many a space marine :) ![]() Holding true to the deathguard motif this terminator is stil sporting a bit of his old white/tan armour colours BUT it seems he has decided he likes a bit of red too :) And to check out Macragge's web page, go to the links section! Its the home of the Ultramarines Chapter and loaded with pics and rules! Lets see some other Bartertown painted stuff! |