+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Morlocks pics(and theres gonna be alot!+++
Well the wait was worth it, Morlock's stuff is here and it's nice! As you can see Morlock plays Dark Angels in all 3 of their glories. Here we have a Chaplain and 2 deathwing terminators. As I said before, nice paint jobs.
Here are some hardcore assault marnies, ready to dish it out! Good colour scheme action going on here, and note that all of Morlock's unit leaders get the white helms. Its a running theme through the whole army.
Well, this was just a taste of things to come, there are tons more pics coming, this is just to whet your appetite for pics. Keep em coming!
These are two of Morlock's Unit leaders. Interesting models to say the least, but I wish he saved the NO helmet guy, I need that head. Hehehe, maybe in a future game I will take it for myself? Anyway, these are well painted just like everything of Morlock's thus far. Very cool stuff.
Up close and personal with two of Morlocks own killing machines, VERY good detail on the Landspeeder and a mean set of guns on the razorback. I personally love vehicles. Back from the GI Joe days I guess.