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+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Morlocks pics #3(and theres gonna be alot!)+++

Let me just say to the people who entered the Conversion contest. You are LUCKY Morlock wasn't allowed to enter. This is an amazing piece and one of Morlock's first adventures in Conversion Land. Its a Mordheim piece made for Jay, after some sort of superbowl bet last year. I don't know who lost. But Jay has a VERY cool new wolfman courtesy of Morlock!

Pure evidence of a pianter's ability to grow. These paint jobs had my jaw on the floor when I opened them. I really liked the banner, can you tell?

This is a picture of the full unit in all its spookyness. I haven't seen them in action...guess I will have to wait till I get my Orc army done. Then all I need is someone to play with :)

And ont he 7th day Morock said "It is good.....hmmm, wiat a minute, I can't rest I wanna second shot a that pheonix lord!" And it was GOOD!

Having a new found affinity for dwarves this pic came at a good time ( I am in a Palladium Campaign, playing a dwarven Paladin). Gots to love them dwarves...PS the one on the left looks EXACTLY like my uncle in Australia. Minus the 3 feet tall.
Lets check out some more painted stuff!