Quasi's Non-NURGLE items!
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Captured Eldar/Ork Units+++
I am very proud of these. The guy under the assasin, That would be me, note the engagement ring on his hand, and the silver watch! Also, his style of dress is token me, light colour T over a dark coloured
long sleeve, yeah, the dead guy is me. I figured I wouldn't stand a chance against ANYTHING in the 40k world save for
grots and maybe halfling snipers without the guns. Oh and EVERY single Space Marine, cause they are weak and pathetic.
Ok, well, the boba fett vindicare beside him is just a paint conversion, no green stuff or anything, but all the colours and even the scrapes are BANG ON. I took a long time with this one!
My new army, and I am also happy with the way they are looking. I am using my favorite power armour scheme on them, with gold detailing. I should have tons of pics up once I find time to paint until then, you will have to enjoy these, oh and look out for some neat conversions, thats right, non-nurgle conversions!
Well, for the sake of basic interest, here is a current project of mine. Nurgle Terminators. I see Chaos terminators as a modeling triumph on GW's part and thus do not really convert them much.
Here we have a triumph in my terrain making days. I found that combining Bulkheads and Gothic ruins can look really good. The door you see is the door off of the landraider, the floor is cut up cereal box for tiles and a bit of flock and sprue pieces. The fan....is from my computer. I also added stained glass in the bulkhead windows, what i did was cut up some textured see through plastic. I would really like to make more terrain like this but behold I have no more bulkheads....I am sad.
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