Raging Gaijin
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Say hello to some neat conversions!+++
Ok, time for Quasi's game, "Spot the bitz". So here goes. Well the head is off of scyla a fantasy character, infact that is probably what makes up most of the body. The axe in his left hand is a demon prince axe, the other is a minotaur lord axe. and the wings are from either a cockatrice OR a bull taurus....But all together it makes for one mean guy who must be getting his share of skulls for the throne of khorne.
This picture was HUGE when I got it. The detail was excellent though. It hurt to shrink it down but it would have looked a tad odd and the load time would have been FOREVER. So, what i did was capture the head for you guys. Very nice paint job too.
This is Morpheus. He has a big gun. I am not sure if this is a greater demon, a demon prince OR a new Inquisitor figure. I am hoping its some sort of Chaos cult leader for inquisitor complete with lascannon. So now I guess I do a bitz lowdown. We start with a demon prince body...slaanesh variant. The sword I belive is actually teh greater demon of slaanesh's sword. The gings belong to Cherubael, or a like model(pegasus perhaps) and that may just he Cherubael's sword on second thought. The tail is genuine Cherubael. And now....the gun. Its eldar in make, seems to be the scatter laser and pulse laser combined after being cut up and re-merged. The demon heads are from the chaos tank conversion sprue.
Hey, would you like this monster here to paint for you. Are you looking for a mind so enthralled in chaos it can paint to demonic standards? Well, E-mail him and ask what he is charging, because the Raging Gaijin paints for hire....Email is HERE
Lets check out some more painted stuff!