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With carefull discisiveness and meticulus comparison(see picture) we bring you....

We hope to bring you some of the best products out there for the Wargaming hobby, including but not exclusively: games, terrain, Miniarures, paints, and hobby supplies. How do we do this? Our sponsors, thats right, every month or so our sponsor's are going to send us their best and we are going to paint/use/read it, play it, and quite possibly break it to tell you whether their stuff is totally amazing, or just plain crud. Now we will admit right away, your not going to see too many flops here, we contacted our sponsors based on products we could already see some degree of coolness too. But if something about it bugs us you will hear about it, after all, our sponsors want to put out the best products available, and we don't want you to think we are tools.(I here Linrandir saying "No joke!") So, from us at the Plague Tower, enjoy, and if you like what you see, don't be afraid to contact our sponsors and order away(you could even tell them where you saw it :)), and without further prattling, THE REVIEWS......

Tyranid Spires
Necropolis Slag Heap Hill Set
Hirst Arts Small Brick Mold
Hirst Arts Prison Tower Mold

Mageknight Figs

White Dwarf 257

Sabol Army Transport Case

Remi's Roleplay Corner
3rd Edition D&D

contact Cavern Games

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