+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Rob's stuff+++
This is what we call a commitment of ideals. Rob likes the Empire. I see Rob playing for the Emperor(as retched as he is) in 40k as well. But lets not hold that against him (kidding). This is another very nice warband and its always a special treat to get warband pics as I notice that alot more work and care goes into the individuals of a warband than into say the individuals of an army(normally such detail is saved for characters and champions).
Had to get you guys some close ups on these two hard a$$'s. Serious witch burning fun for all via these boys and they look the part too. I am liking the subtle conversion work too btw. (Personal note: Quasi likes witches just fine and is friends with at LEAST one. He would never burn one, as that would be a hate crime, but this is just a game so getting into character can't hurt. This note was for any non-players who may happen by, but is a dead honest truth.)
Great mini's look even better on a table full of terrain. This stuff here is VERY nice and I would love to see it up close. I should do an american Canadian tour. I think it woudl be great to meet some of you guys who E-mail me all the time. Not to mention play against or ON some of the stuf you guys have sent me pics of.
No description needed, Just look and enjoy. Take it in, and maybe get some ideas for some of your own.(FIRE MARKERS, very usefull.)
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