+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Even more stuff+++
These have to be some of my favorite things that Sparker has done. First of all the sorcerer is just a COOL model and the paint job helps it to attain true coolness. Now the brettonian is also cool, but my favorite part is the checker pattern, it is VERY evenly done and that is simply amazing. Steady hand there Sparker! I decided to kill a few birds with one stone here, you will understand when you see just how excellent Sparker was for sending me TONS of pics. So I will sum up what we see. First is a skink unit complete with big nasty Croxigors. Next we have a group of converted skink champions. On is converted to a skink shaman(RED) on is regular(Blue) and one now has 2 swords(Green and ninja turtle like). After that we have the red skink shaman with a warrior familiar(total conversion). Then 4 kroxigors, and to finish off, a REALLY neat looking saurus conversion known as Kroq. Its a head swap but don't ask me what head. Finally someone got me. If I had to guess right now....oop demon of tzeench head...AM I RIGHT?!?! MORE SPARKER! |