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+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
+++Even more stuff+++

Would a lizardman army be complete without swarms?! I think not!

These chaos warriors are another of Sparkers projects. I am assuming he is constructing a rather opposing Tzeentch force. Well this is PLAGUE Tower so curse your heretical hide! Kidding.

This is one of the nicest oop models GW has. His face is very nicely detailed for a guy with no features! I think everyone should have one of these.

Another hard to get model. When I was using brettonians they canceled him :( Luckily I had enough connections to get myself a box set anyway, and Sparker painted his up VERY nice. Congrats on an excellent Green Knight.

Bronzino likes big guns, I play 40k for the big guns...bronzino got ripped off when it came to game placement didn't he, I mean imagine how happy he would have been as a baneblade captain! I mean he is TRYING he has a big gun and he made it mobile but you know theres just a small difference between cannons and a BIG HUGE BANEBLADE! Oh well, keep on trying bronzino, your on the right track.
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