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Plague Tower
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++

1.First the model is cleaned, dust removed etc. Then I normally prime it, but its not a rule, just a random practise.
2. The plan, it doesn't matter if its on paper or in your head, but don't start without it unless you have a horse shoe up your butt.
3.Start with the main idea, here the idea was to have a big piece of warpskin(the name I gave to the nasty skin with eads coming out of it) across the front, held with hooks. Then you work into other ideas, such as applicable upgrades(here we have a havok missle launcher, adn an extra set of twin linked bolters). Then move on to small stuff. Do not stop until you feel if you add more it will be ruined.
4.Prime the whole thing black, this is like a test phase, you will know from it being all one colour if it is a success or not. This is where you add/remove things to improve the model.
5.Painting, remember to paint base colour first. Them move on to special details etc. And for god sakes take your time. If you added alot of detail through converting you don't want be done in one hour.

1. Never throw away any bits, no matter how obscure. Go back and take a look at some of my stuff. A good example is the two dreadnaughts. On the BIG dreadnaught I used 2 power scourges which left me with this stupid looking power scourge arm piece with no claw. I kept thinking of tossing it until I did the next dread and it made the perfect piece to mount the heavy flamer on.

2. Don't fear putty. Putty is your friend. But also, don't feel like you need to buy alot of tools to model with it. Heres the biggest secret on earth....all I use is a scythe off the zombie sprue, a pencil, and my hobby knife. Other than that I just use things in my bits box that have rounded or sharp parts. If you want to buy tools go ahead, more power to you, but don't not use putty because you think tools are too expensive.

3. If its going to be converted from one army to another, remove the old armies symbols, example landraiders and dreads. A space wolf dread needs to have alot of work done to be made to Chaos specs. And landraiders need to have alot of little silly symbols shaved off. If anything, USE PUTTY, remember, putty is your friend,

4. Find movies that inspire you. Hellraiser and Army of darkness are serious factors in what I do. If I was IG, starship troopers all the way baby!. For find somthing and leave me alone, I'm no guru! Fantasy movies should help though. And for dark eldar HELLRAISER IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!

More as I think about it, I promise. The last thing though is NEVER DOWNPLAY YOUR OWN WORK its only crap if you say it is.

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