Ugly Ali
+++Secret Military Files Accessed+++
Um, uh......BIG. Not sure what else to say, other than big, and AHHHHHHHHHH! ITS GONNA EAT ME! I am guessing this guy drank all his milk and ate his brussell sprouts. Damn he's huge. This looks like the combined effort of about 3 different greater demons and a buttload of putty. WOW. Oh yeah heres his E-mail.Ugly Ali. Wow.
See I should have opened up with this little guy, he just doesn't seem as impressive after the gasping awsomeness of the HUGE demon. But this is good too, just...Holy crap the DEMON IS HUGE! Ok enough fanboy stuff, this looks to be the missing Greater Demon of nurgle head from the above monster, with the odd other bitz added on. Beside him we have another chaos spawn in terminator armour(see dave with no capitals). I really like the paint style.
I am sure I used to own something like this :P Of the billions of bits used I see skyla from fantasy, a bloodthirster(leftovers from the BIG guy.) and 2 old style(wow, old style already) hormagaunts. And of coarse, what seems to be a standard for chaos conversions, pieces and parts of a spawn.
I am going to assume this guy to be Ugly Ali's in game namesake. This guy has a whole gang of people to go with him, and we should be seeing pictures some time soon. (NOTE the plague marine on the right. Coinsidering this conversion makes him a foot taller than other plague marines I am assuming it is so he can get on the big kid rides.)