Talking to people about God is just that: talking.  "Traditional preaching" is not the only method in bringing the Gospel.  Remember Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8)? How about Jesus and the Samaritan woman?  He told her about the "living water" through a casual conversation.  So how can we start to do that?

1) Learn how to ask questions.  Most conversations are built on questions.  Whether you realize it or not, God has given you alot of opportunities to bring the Gospel up in conversation.  It doesn't even have to look intentional.  Has a person ever said this to you :  "I'm just trying to do the right thing."  "I will get my life right one day."  "Sometimes I wonder why I'm here."  "We're here to help somebody else out."  These are perfect opportunities to bring up the Gospel.  But even if you haven't, I'm sure the Spirit has tugged at your heart at one time to talk about the Lord to someone!!!!

2) What should I ask? Here's is a questionnaire created by a Minister named York Moore and myself.  Of course, you can make up your own. The purpose is to help you engage in a  evangelistic conversation and to find out where they are spiritually.  And their responses will give you a good indication of their understanding.  Click here  to peep it.  Make copies if you like.

3) Why these questions?  As I said before, this is to help find out their understanding of the Lord.  I'll explain the reasoning behind each one.

Question # 1- This is a good starter question.  You will find out how that person feels about organized religion.

Question # 2- To find out if they're just "religious" or have a true relationship with God.  Of course, some might know nothing about God.

Question # 3- To find out do they know who Jesus really is.  You'll be surprise how many answers don't line up with the Word.

Question # 4- Self explanatory.

Question # 5- This is the biggie.  This is where you can see if they understand God's plan of salvation.

Question # 6- This is another big one.  You'll see who they're depending on to get into heaven:  themselves or the Lord.

Question # 7- This is the starting place to ask if they want to hear about the Gospel.

I'll get into more depth next time.  Check for updates.