Don't Judge Me!!!!

                           **taken from online dictionary

"judge- To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration

"condemnation- To express strong disapproval of"

"disapproval- To have an unfavorable opinion of; condemn.
To refuse to approve; reject.

    I listen to alot of radio talk shows.  Whether it's Christian, sports or news programs I'm into all of that.  One show I listen to periodically is called "Mildred Gadis".  She basically comes from politically liberal point of view and has campaigned for Hillary Clinton.  So she's def. a strong Democratic.  This week, she brought up a topic that asked "Should homosexual couples be able to put their partners on their heath care plans?"  Now you can guess the response of  Christians callers had:  No.  In fact, the count was 16-6 in disapproval of homosexuals being able to put their so called "spouses" on their health insurance.

    These were not the results Mildred Gadis was expecting.  In fact, she began to criticize those who were disapproval of the proposal.  She began the Christian callers as "self righteous, holier than thou, and perfect."  She even went as far as saying that Christians "lack compassion".  After this, the whole show began to change.  Callers, who claimed to be Christians began to criticize other Christians as well.  "We're not suppose to judge people."  "God says to love everybody."  "We all sin so why judge them?"  At the end of this show, the opinions were tied 25-25.

    Now, I was a little offended by the way Christians were portrayed but not much.  I expect for the lost to look at us that way.  But what offended me the most was the notion that  Christians were basically thought of as people who were not suppose to judge.  Now, if u lookt at the definition above, you'll see that judging means simply to have an opinion.  I know,  Matthew 7, says "not to judge".  But read it again and not just the one verse.  You'll see that he's talking about hypocritical judgment and not judgment in and of itself.  The world wants us to be people who do tolerate things.  What tolerance means to them is "Hey, you're a Christian and you must not disagree with what I believe. And if  you don't, you're not acting like a Christian."  So if I disagree with homosexuality, than I'm not loving.  I'm not Christian like.  If I disagree with a woman's so called" right" to choose abortion, than I'm unloving.  In essence, Christian cannot disagree.  We cannot get into conflict.  This my friends is not Christianity.

    If you read the book of Acts, you'll see that this view is not Biblical.   Paul preached and taught his viewpoint to people and he was criticized.  And more than that, they tried to kill him.  He told people that they were wrong.  He judged people and debated with people.  The whole thing is that the world does not want us to have an opinion.  But if we never judge people, share our opinion with people, this world will never change.  This talk show host basically contradicted herself through the whole show.  She claimed that Christian were not compassionate but SHE quickly cut off anybody who disapproved with her viewpoint.  And I mean literally.  The world is not going to "tolerate" anyone who says they're wrong.  But we can't fall into the trap of not sharing our opinion when others disagree with us.  Don't fall for this "don't judge people" mess.  Now I do agree that we're not suppose to judge unrighteously.  But judging is not wrong.  Because if it is, than it's wrong for them to judge us too.  But she had no problem doing this.  Calling Christians self righteous is straight up judging.  The point is that they know that there are rules.  There is morality.  But they don't want us to share our rules, our morality.  And certainly not what God says.  That's what the big argument in government is all about.  This so called "separation of church and state".  The rules are that Christians have no voice in government.  Because if they do, they will try to "force" their religion to become law.  But it's ok to "force" our opinion out of government.    There is no such thing as neutrality when it comes to morality.  All neutrality means to them is don't voice your opinion.  Neutrality means silence.  But it's ok for them to do this.  That's not right.  That's not biblical.  But Christians are falling for this.  Don't.  If you know God has an opinion on something voice it.  Tell people what God says even though they don't agree with it.  It's not logical to say "Well, I might offend people so I'll keep silent."  We want to bring people to the knowledge of the truth.  And you can't do that if you're silent and going by their rules. Because their rules makes it impossible for you to have an opinion.   Don't go by their rules, but go by what you see in the scriptures.  And obviously the scriptures tells us we have voice.