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A Bit About Myself

My name is Chris, and I've been a supporter of the Socialist Labor Party and a dedicated Marxist-De Leonist since about 1992 (I now also support the World Socialist Parties and the New Union Party [currently known as Campaign for a Working Democracy], as well). I've only recently learned of the World Socialist Parties, and I wish the SLP and the WSP could be united one day, differing only in the former's support of Daniel De Leon's SIU program for establishing socialism and their preference of free access over the use of labor vouchers in the distribution of goods in the future socialist economy. Being a social and political revolutionary in a mostly apathetic world is difficult, and usually without rewards of any kind. Unfortunately, society is not ready to embrace socialism en masse yet, as the capitalist class does their job of miseducating, brainwashing and diverting the attention of the working class with trivial matters and various forms of entertainment very well indeed. So only a relatively few socialists, including myself, are keeping up the fight for economic freedom at the dawn of the 21st Century. It's a major pain in the ass to get even one person to become classconscious, and to come into the socialist camp, let alone a significant portion of the nation, so we definately have our work cut out for us at the immediate present. I have a degree in English I like to think that I'm well-versed in the political world. I'm also a writer, who is fond of composing stories and essays featuring a numerous array of controversial subject matter and I must apologize for the format of some of these sections...this is my first web page totally on my own, new territory for me, and there is bound to be growing pains. I'm rather radical in the religion department also...I'm a practicing Wiccan, and I have my own web page on Wicca (see, not all socialists are atheists). The page is also packed with info mostly written by me, and I've provided a link to it below. And don't worry, this page will get better (everything on this socialism site is written and researched by me). Thank you for visiting, and hopefully you will join the fight for socialism. Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like, and I'll try to answer all pertinent questions I receive on socialism in the FAQ section.

Be well, and good luck on making a difference in the world--Chris N

My page on Wicca