Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. ----Marcus Aurelius Antonius
The old saying "Once burned, twice shy" doesn't tell the half of it. Some of us burn victims resolve that we'll never go near another fire for the rest of our lives. Rather than risk another scorching, we turn our backs on the warmth, the light, and the merry companionship offered by a blazing campfire on a chilly night.
We are victims of love gone wrong. Unlike others who wipe away their tears and go back to the party, we weren't just disappointed, but devastated, not just wounded, but mortally wounded. Our blood, when we were pierced by rejection, ran redder than anyone else's blood, our pain was more painful. So how could we be expected to take another chance, to try again?
Yet the fear of hurt can hurt us more than anything. And if we avoid injury by sitting on the beach, we miss out on the game. If a relationship crumbled in spite of our best efforts, then that relationship wasn't meant to be. A better possibility is out there waiting for us. But we'll only have the chance of finding it if we take off our bandages and get back in the game.
by...Earnie Larsen & Carol Hegarty
I am alot more resilient than I think I am.
This page was made for those individuals who are still feeling the pain of childhood wounds, marital breakups, heartbreaks, or other hurts; whom are in need of healing thyself.
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Want to give my extreme thanks to Solo for all his time and help and to Thor for his help with the Applet...Thank you my dear friends FlyinSolo and Thor.
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