This is park Master pete, Welcome to our Animal Kingdom Site.Animal Kingdom opposed to the other Disney parks is by far the one with the best decoration. When your strolling through africa it seems so real(Mostly from the florida heat.) it feels as if your standing in the heart of an African marketplace. Something that we've seen before is Disney's magical way of making the scence. Including something we've seen first in Epcot. In Epcot the employees are the nationality of their respective replica country.The employees in "Africa" are African and the employees in "Asia" are Asian. This may not seem very important but truly it's crucial to the making of a plushly themed atmosphere that Disney strides for.
When you first step foot on the concret of Animal kingdom you can already see the great tree of might. It stands Tall in the center of the park and when your close you appreciate the work that went into it even more. After you buy your tickets I suggest stopping by the Rainforest cafe which will be immeditly to your left. Make your reservations now so at the end of the day you can go back and enjoy a great meal in one of the most unique resturants in the world. (Not just Disney world.)