This is our 5 man team from 1999.The team is still the same 5 men but we have now added around 4 backup players wanting to play.Team Outlawed is currently trying to pick up a few more good players to start a second team.From left to right we have Grumpy... Ghost... Sub Zero... Hot Shot... and Loser...
This is a photo of our 3 man team which has done well the past year.The 3 man is basicly a mini 5 man with the same members from the 5.From left ot right is Grumpy... Ghost... and Sub Zero... The trophie we are holding is from the ICC 3 man tourney at 62 spat in Martinsville In..(second)
This was taken at the ICC 5 Man series in Coryden Indiana.That tourney had over 40 teams and played a total of 8 games.We didn't fare so well.From left to right Dopey... Grumpy... Hot Shot... Doug... and Sub Zero...