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About Me

Baldrios Darth-Bane
Mountains Of Mist
Dragons Lair

Greetings people,

look at me, i'm working on muh page its the 18/2/2003

wow, working on my page and a year hasn't passed yet, i'd put on some more pics, but i really can't be bothed., might take some tonight or something and spam u with my sexyness =)

went and saw abby in welly few weeks ago, was great that was a good hang over omlett, took bloody ages to get through and there was much burping, groans of pain and pleasure and bloated feelings lmao

got my tattoo done YAY didn't get it colourd in like i was ment too, just got it darker and the bourder thickend so i'm gonna get a arm band around it so it looks like....well... a arm band, fancy that eh

chris is still a noob, but he can't help it. gots me a job working at maccers YAY for me, well its fundage and half price maccers, gotta love it, its great

see you all

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