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I am so very proud of all these wonderful gifts I have received from some very thoughtful people. Alot of them have come from "The Ladies Of The Myst" web ring members. When I joined it, I had no idea what a wonderful group of ladies I would meet. It is a great honor that I was accepted into their friendly circle.Their web pages are equally as thrilling, and I recommend them highly. Again my deepest thanks to all.

This is a dove that flew in from another site. It is not mine. It is free for the taking. Put it on your site, or give it to a friend. Help keep it going around the world.

Here are some gifts I have created for you to take. Take 1 or take all. I will be adding more soon so check back from time to time. Enjoy!!!

Thank-You Kimberle

Thank-You Rachel

Thank-You SirJan

Thank-You Good Witch

Thank-You Maiden

Thank-You Maline Fae


Thank-You Betty

Thank-You Four Magick

Thank-You Rose

Thank-You Maiden


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