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Shaken Bay Syndrome

Romance fails us and so do friendships, but the relationship of parent and child, less noisy than all others, remains indelible and indestructible, the strongest relationship on earth.
-- Theodor Reik
This is a dove that flew in from another site. It is not mine. It is free for the taking. Put it on your site, or give it to a friend. Help keep it going around the world to help save Babies everywhere!

God's Roses

So full of innocence, so full of grace. Such a precious little girl, but not gone so late.

When I looked into her eyes the last time I saw her, it was like the first time I had found the meaning of life. She had missed out on so much, but I could see she was happy. Then I looked at myself and saw how lucky and ungrateful I was. I say all the wrong I had done and how little I had to pay. I once again looked into her eyes and say she had done nothing wrong but had so much to pay, and yet had everything to offer.

For some reason I knew I might not see her again so I held her tight and gave her all I could. Once again I noticed all the wrong I had done and how little I had to pay. I realized that besides all that, I had something to give to her; something priceless; the Love that only I could give her.

For all I know we could have been the best of friends. Now to me she is the flower I have held, but cannot keep. Just maybe God's Roses are that way.

Jennifer Kay Kuhns
January 2000

In Memory Of

National Data Archives on Child Abuse & Neglect

Child Abuse Prevention Foundation

National Clearhouse on Child Abuse & Neglect Information

Shaken Baby Alliance

Nation Information & Referal Service on Shaken Baby Syndrome



For Cancer Victims Everywhere

Butterbox Babies


Vanda Brooklynn

Stop Child Abuse

Teardrop Project

An Eternal light for all the nameless children who have suffered at the hands of this monster called "Shaken Bay Syndrom"
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