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Circle of Stone


The Cast

Full Name: Daemil Laisudamera (surname means 'fair child' in an ancient language)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Original nationality unknown - brought up in Torrigan
Description: Daemil has dark hair and light grey eyes.  When he began to grow hair his guardians realised their mistake in naming him but came to the decision not to change it.  He is moderately tall and has a fairly light build, but is reasonably well-muscled from his stints in the fields.
Daemil has only one magical ability, he can sense magic, however it is untrained and as the Order was rarely visited by those with magical powers, he has no experience of differentiating different kinds of magic.  He is also naive about magic and thinks that it is all easy and wondrous and good.
As it was part of his education, he can speak, read & write in most languages.  Since fighting is frowned upon in the order, he has no fighting skills.
Background: Formerly of The Order of Talar, Daemil was found as a baby abandoned at their gate one morning and taken in.
He grew up learning the skills expected of the Order's members, namely: languages, farming, cooking and housekeeping chores. The Order does a small amount of trade at the market of a town about five miles away, but beyond that tends to keep itself to itself, so Daemil got very little idea of the outside world.
As he became a teenager, he went through the usual rebellious phases, which the Order was not used to (most members joining by choice when they were an adult).  During this time he decided that he wanted to meet the amazing people that must be outside the walls of the Order.
He managed to help with the trading of goods at the market a few times, but the Order deemed that, until his 18th birthday, he should remain with them and should he then choose to leave, he may do so.
Daemil was impatient, but finally he turned 18 and had the ceremony of leaving.  Earlier one the day of the ceremony, however he'd had an argument with a senior member of the order about the powers held by the Stone of Ersh and so his leaving was a somewhat frosty affair, with the unspoken feeling that he had been ungrateful for the upbringing the Order had given him and the expectation that he was not to darken their doors again.
He was given enough food to last a week and the green robes of those who are going outside the walls of the Order. Daemil's only profitable skill was farm labouring, which had been a required part of the Orders independent life.  This had, however, never been one of his favourite activities and having found such a job within a week of leaving the order, he quit three weeks later and set off to seek work that was less exhausting.

Full Name: Engra Delarnis
Age: 30
Nationality: Melanan
Gender: Male
Description: Tall, with dark black hair, light grey percing eyes and a black beard. Wears a medium blue-grey travelling robe.
Background: Engra is Sevarius' twin brother.  He specialises in Sorcery, working best with air and metals, particularly gold, silver and steel, but is able to perform some Enchantments. He has also studied magic in Aleron and Torrigan after deciding that he could not stand his twin's black healing.  Because of this he can perform spells similar to Abjuration (protective spells/shields).  As with most Melanan mages, he has a specialised element and set of materials which he works best with. He finds shape changing, both of himself and other things/people,
such a strain, that he has gained only the basic ablity to change something for a small period of time, and anyone with an ounce of mage sight would be able to see what it really was.  Strangely, he is able to enchant rings to make someone invisible with less effort, although they only work for a limited number of times.
Generally he will use spells relating to air in his enchantments and sorcery, although he has a few magical artifacts that allow limited casting of fire spells.
Unlike Sevarius, who was a black healer and herb-witch, Engra turned away from the healing arts when he saw what his brother was doing and supressed that element of his nature and power. For this reason, Engra cannot perform even the simplest healing.
Engra and Sevarius shared a link with each other, and so Engra was immediately aware of Sevarius' death at the hands of Keleos.  Engra and Sevarius swore a blood oath when they were young that, should either of them be killed, the other would avenge their death. Because of this, Engra set out from Aleron to seek out his brother's killer.
Associates of Sevarius were quick to point out their suspect and, with their combined skills, Engra discovered that the killer, Keleos, had travelled to the village of Ansleigh.
It was there that the trail ran cold, due to the confusion of the burnt barn, Engra and Sevarius' associates were unable to make out where Keleos had gone.
Engra started offering silver to get information, unwilling to use his powers to threaten information out of innocent bystanders...

Full Name: Azari Manikas
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Race: Human
Nationality: Torriagan
Character: Blunt, head strong, thoughtful, ambitious, playful,
perplexing, impatient, does not like change; it’s all or nothing mentality,
her complexity makes it hard to listen to her heart. Would make a powerful
ally if she became a fighter. Takes risks, but trusts people. Introverted
and extroverted.
Description: Standing at 5'6, Azari's makeup: Slender, petite,
and mature. She has pure ivory skin tones. Eyes: deep and wide – a beautiful
emerald green. Hair: long, wispy, and trailing mid-way down her back.
A radiant auburn color. When traveling, she likes to keep it tied away
from her face. She normally wears it long. Clothing: Wears many fine materials
of the highest quality. Many white, open tied lace blouses made from cotton.
Assorted pants with many different textures. The colors she wears depends
upon her mood. Pale whites, violet purples, spring blues, silvers, grays,
and blacks. Jewelry: Azari isn't interested in big pieces. She has a necklace
that her father gave to her when she decided to venture out on her own
to find a trainer to teach her the skills of a swordsman, and other useful
skills. Her necklace: Very rare and unique in it's formation. Since her
father is a skilled jeweler, he has moderate wealth to buy rare gems as
he travels to different parts of the world. One day he embarked upon an
elf that was passing through the ports of Islia. The elf was searching
for an experienced jeweler. By coincidence the two met by literally bumping
into each other. Subsequently, the elf dropped a fire and ice gemstone
out of his pouch. Clifton had never seen such a rare stone in the entire
world. As legend holds, there is a saying about the fire and ice crystal.
It is used to personify the users aura. a.k.a., aura gemstone. The aura
stones come in many colors of which Clifton was well aware. But the
odds of finding one with two colors split in half was almost non-existent.
The two made a private arrangement. Clifton worked tediously, getting every
desired detail finalized and finished for the impatient elf. Then finally,
after a few months, his work was complete. The elf was truly grateful and
followed his end of the arrangement by allowing Clifton to have a piece
of the fire and ice gemstone. Clifton’s eyes were full of excitement
as he took the beautiful and exotic gemstone and thought how he would make
a necklace for his beloved daughter.
Background: Azari's childhood is best remembered by these special memories. Activities: Pretending she was older, by dressing up in her mother's clothing and playfully parading herself about the house. Helping her parents with chores, but sometimes getting side tracked by daydreams. Venturing outdoors, getting into mud and playing with wild animals. Azari does not need to be entertained; she could entertain herself perfectly. Sometimes she went to town with her family to see festival events. On one occasion she chased down two young peasant boys, spying on them, and giving them a little razzle just to see what they would do if she reported her findings to the governor of the town. Her most favorite memories were the times she stood lurking outside the courtyard watching the young boys training to become fighters for the Knights of Torrigan. She admired them for their courage, honor, and strength. It fascinated her the way they would dance and glide, and lunge their upper bodies to make rapid strikes at their opponent.
Azari has always been a fighter, if only in her heart. She longed to become a great warrior - as far as her dreams and aspirations would take her. Yet she had to keep her desires a secret because her family trade was of well reputation. Not only that, but she was their only heir. As Azari grew, she became a blossoming beauty. Many lads called upon her hoping to court her into marriage. But as yet, no one was able to capture her heart. Her family was moderately wealthy; they could afford to live near the Low Tor River in a home by a private creek.
While Azari was a young teen, she and her father often traveled together. Her father needed supplies and materials to keep up the demands of a successful business. One year, they went to Islia at the time a festival event was
taking place. The streets were crowded and boomed with merry laughter, with everyone eating and drinking to their hearts content. As Azari was passing by a shop, there in the window she saw a most remarkable sword. It was slender, long and highly crafted, and the sun made the sword’s blade sparkle through the glass. The handle seemed amazing - hand carved out of stone, and embedded with pure gold. She stared so hard that she didn’t hear her father approach. "Daughter of mine, you have a keen eye but this is not a sword for a lady." Azari's father was never a man that would prohibit his daughter from following her dreams. In fact, he spoiled her, but not to the point of making her spoiled. And so Azari remained
silent that day, but in her heart she knew that someday she would be a woman of valor and would own a sword like that, if not better.
For the past five years Azari has been working hard in an effort to learn her father’s craft. She has become unsettled and restless. She misses the travels with her father, but business is booming, and there is no time to go with him. Azari yearns to follow her heart, and to become an advanced fighter. It was not good enough that her father had given her lessons in swordsmanship. He only wanted to make sure that she was able to defend herself if something should happen. He had taught her to use small weapons first, and then together they worked on the long sword. Her first attempts were awkward, but gradually she grew accustomed to the way it felt in her hand. She also spent time training her muscles to lift heavy axes, but preferred using light armor instead. The time had come for Azari
to tell her father of her hearts wishes. There was a world out there that she was determined to see, and a destiny to find the swordsman who would train her in excellence. She could wait no more. Azari had been able to save a little money and now came the time to meet her fate...

Full Name: Sirique of Melanos
Gender: Male
Age: Eleven
Race: Human
Nationality: Melanan
Description: Sirique stands at about five feet.  He is very thin and has very pale skin which burns easily.  He has dark, intense eyes which compliment his
black hair and eyebrows.  His hands are slim; his fingers long and nimble.
Background: At the age of nine, Sirique discovered his talent for enchantment. This pleased his parents greatly as his father was talented with herb-witchery only and his mother had no magical talents.  Thus, he was sent to a Melanos sage to become proficient.  Here, he has remained for the past two years.
Not long ago, both of Sirique's parents fell ill with an unknown malady.  He is therefore forced to remain with his teacher until he strikes out on is own.

All of these characters are the property of their respective players and not to be copied or used for any literary endeavor without the players' express permissions.

The World
The Story
The Cast
The Rules

Copyright © 1999 Abigail Laughlin and the members of the Circle of Stone.