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There is an OOC understanding that this is a living documnet out-of-character while established in-character. There will be changes as we encounter things that these far more intelligent creatures would have understood and hammered out before we would encoutner them in game. All changes will be posted to the list.


The Three Nations of Constantinople meet at the Tower of Leander on this 6th day of Sextilis in the 12th year of the reign of Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus Pius. Be it known that this is a treaty of peace and armistice. All Nations hereby declare intentions for peaceful interaction within the city walls of Constantinople.

Whereby all Nations that were involved in the Dominion War, all Nations taken responsibility for the deaths of their brethren at the hands of the being known as Leviathan. Neither condemnation nor dispersion can be cast upon a single member of a Nation for the crimes of the Leviathan.

This document sets forth the Articles by which all residents of all Nations shall abide by while in the confines of the walls of Constantinople:

All differences will be settled within the boundaries of the Authority of the Council. If the Council deems that trial by combat is necessary, the duel will take place outside the walls of the city.

Every member of a Nation has the right to challenge another member. The Council is final arbiter on the validity of any challenges, terms thereof, and victory conditions. The Council, as a whole, may not be challenged.

The Council will be made up of nine members, three from each Nation. The Nations are recognized as the Children of Caine, the Children of Luna, and the Enlightened. Members of Nations outside these three will be represented by the Nation of their choosing. If they choose no representation, they will receive no protection under these Accords.

Each Nation shall appoint, by whatever manner they deem appropriate, three agents, known as a Quorum, to the Council. The positions of the Quorum are the Lord Speaker, the Sovereign Secretary, and the Alderman. All matters of vote are decided by the Quorum and cast as one vote within the council by the Lord Speaker. All duties to the representative's Nation are decided by that Nation. Further duties to the Council are as described below:

Lord Speaker is the voice of his Nation within the Council. Without appropriate acknowledgement, no other can speak during a Council meeting.

Sovereign Secretary maintains numbers of their Nation that reside within the city.

Alderman relays information back to the Nation and councils the Lord Speaker on the general views and attitudes of the Nation on matters discussed in Council.

The entire Council will meet monthly. If a specific member is unable to attend for whatever reason, he will have the ability to designate a proxy. The proxy carries the full weight of the individual they represent.

In times of threat upon the city, the Nations shall unify to defend all entities residing within the boundary of the city walls. Should this threat be "single-minded" in its pursuits, all aid will be given to the threatened Nation, with appropriate recompense for the aid.

The system of standing will be as follows: The Lord Speaker of a given Race may award his praise upon any member of the city that is not of his race. The Sovereign Secretary records this information for the member of his race. Once granted, this standing can only be removed by a majority consensus of the Council. Only the *Acknowledgement* required to be considered a citizen of the city may be granted by the Lord Speaker to a member of his race.

It is recognized that foolish actions often reap similar titles. In this regard, negative standing may be awarded in the same manner as described above. However, this may be removed either by the Lord Speaker granting the original standing or by a majority consensus of the Council.

OOC: The status cap for citizens of the city is 7. Those from foreign lands may only rise to a 4. *Acknowledged* is the base status for a citizen. *Recognized* is the base for someone who is not a citizen. The Lord Speaker automatically gains *Respected* and *Empowered*. The Sovereign Secretary gains *Cherished* and *Esteemed*. The Alderman gains *Revered* and *Honorable*.

Boons and Favor will be recorded by the Sovereign Secretaries of each race involved so that records of such will be duplicated. Boons and Favor will be the common currency among the Sunset Races, as all mortal currency is fleeting at best. Refusal to repay a reasonable request for payment of a debt will cause the offender to reduced to only the standing of *Acknowledgment* within the city.

Terms of the repayment will be considered reasonable before said punishment is levied. For matters within a single race, the Alderman decides if the terms are fair. For matters between two races, the Alderman of the third will decide if the terms are equitable and just.

The office of Master Bailiff is hereby brought into effect. The Master Bailiff oversees the decrees of the Council are known to all citizens, enforces Elysium, and carries out all punishments of the Council. The Master Bailiff may deputize individuals when it is deemed necessary to carry out his duties. All Deputies are expected to carry out the orders of the Master Bailiff. The Master Bailiff is elected by a majority consensus of the Council.

OOC: The Master Bailiff gains the automatic status *Feared*.

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