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Character Creation Rules
· Characters will be created under standard creation rules for the specific genre.
· Characters will be allowed 30 XP to create the characters as they choose.
· Things I will not allow in game: Baali, Gargoyles, Tremere, True Brujah, Soul-Eaters, White Howlers, Croatan, Bunyip, Marauders, Barabbi, and any concept that is in direct opposition to the general feel of the game.
· What I WILL allow: Thaumaturgists - There are 3 clans in vampire that had sorcery before the Tremere existed (Assamites, Setites, and Tzimisce, if you need a reminder), Virtually any tribe and any shifter species (with the understanding you MUST abide by the Treaty), Virtually any mage concept including the Al-i-batin.
· Generation/Rank will be purchased in the same fashion, with Generation 7/Rank Athro and Generation 6/Rank Elder costing 5 XP each. Starting Generation will be 11th and starting Rank will be Cliath. Arete will be purchased normally.
· XP debt will not be allowed.

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