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Height:173 cm
Cloud is a 21 year old who use to work in the elite
army of Shin-Ra. Now he's just a wandering mercenary
working for the anti Shin-Ra terrorist group named

Name:BARRET Age:35 Birthday:12-15 Height:197 cm Bloodtype:O Weapon:chain gun Bullet is the 35 year old leader of the Avalanche. His
wife died in an accident some years ago and he has a
kid named Marlene.

Name:Tifa Age:20 Birthday:5-3 Height:167 cm Bloodtype:B Weapon:fists Tifa only fights with her fists. She is a childhood
friend of Cloud's and is also a member of
Avalanche. She does have certain feelings towards
Cloud even though she pretends she doesn't.

Name:Aeris Age:22 Birthday:2-7 Height:163 cm Bloodtype:O Weapon:staff Aeris is a 22 year old mysterious yet beautiful young
woman. She runs Midgar's flower shop and ends up
playing a major role in Cloud's quest. From what I
read, there's going to be a love triangle between her,
Cloud, and Tifa... Hrmmmm...this will be interesting.

Name:Red XIII Age:48 Birthday:? Height:? Bloodtype:? Weapon:headdress There isn't that much info on this mysterious
creature. Only that it has a higher intelligence than
a normal human being.

Name:Yuffie Age:16 Birthday:11-20 Height:160 Bloodtype:A Weapon:four-point-star Yuffie is a materia hunter and a ninja. She searches
the planet looking for strange powerful materia.

Name:Cait Sith Age:? Birthday:? Height:? Bloodtype:? Weapon:? The cat that sits atop a giant Moogle holding a
megaphone is the most underrated character in the
entire game. With his ability to fortell the
future, he forces his way into Cloud's party.

Name:Cid Age:32 Birthday:2-22 Height:178 cm Bloodtype:B Weapon:spear Cid is the only character who's been in every Final
Fantasy in it's series. This time, he's only 32 and
a mechanical genius. He is pilot and his dream
is to be the first man in space.

Name:Vincent Age:27 Birthday:10-13 Height:184 cm Bloodtype:A Weapon:gun, claw Vincent Valentine is a former member of The Turks. His
past remains shrouded in secrecy, but it is known that
he has some type of connection to Sephiroth. Vincent's
weapon of choice is the gun, so long-range
attacks pose no problem for him.

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