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John Silva

In Memory of
John F. Silva

Taken from this world by a senseless act of violence. Please stop the violence.

In the Twinkling of an Eye

No one feels the pain of a mother
whose felt the loss of a child.
Words can never express the agony
her heart has suffered and compiled.

And when violence is the reason
that her child had to die...
The world she knew crashes round' her,
all in the twinkling of an eye.

It matters not what others may say...
Her heart can't release the pain.
She goes through the motions of living
while her tears just flow like rain.

Friends that once stood with her,
seemed to instantly disappear.
Her broken heart feels the loneliness
as she wonders why they aren't here.

An ache is rekindled in her heart
with every day that passes by.
She thinks of life before he left her,
all in the twinkling of an eye.

The ones who took the life of her son
will someday stand and answer why...
They chose to take her child from her,
all in the twinkling of an eye~!

Written by Kaye Des'Ormeaux October 10, 1998
Dedicated to Judi who violently lost her son, Shane.
Please do not remove this poem, it was written for Shane and being used on this page with permission.

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~Thank you~