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My Religion.

This is a very important subject in my life. I have dedicated my life to my spiritual beliefs. I choose to walk the path of the clergy and to bring healing, wisdom and enlightenment into this world. To stand up for what I believe in regardless of circumstance. To put my trust completely in the Divine creative force of the universe and to know there is more to this world and the next then what is presented to us in the physical realm. To know absolutely in my heart and soul that I am part of the Divine and that I am here as a Divine messenger to help my fellow beings. I am a Quantumist Priest. Now Quantumist is a term I invented because no religious label quite fits my belief system. My spirituality is beyond anything man has made an "official religion". It's a intertwining of the ancient teachings of the original mystery religions along with scientific theories such as Quantum mechanics and art and music. I am a legal ordained priest with all the rights and duties of any clergy person of any other belief system and I take these seriously. I never mis-use my standing in my position. One thing you will find with most of the clergy of alternative religions is a strong ethical code in which we follow. One in which guides our lives so that we can help others and help the world around us. .

      Now a little about my personal spiritual journey and how I got started on this path I follow.
    Like many of my religion I was brought up in mainstream religion. I mostly attended a Baptist church every Sunday, occasionally taken to a Methodist church by my stepmother or attend Mass at the local Catholic church with friends. These were wonderful places to meet and interact with others, but looking back I can see through all the time spent in Sunday school and church I never found any type of connection to the Divine, I felt no sense of spirituality. I did know there was a Divine and a more beyond this world, but church never gave me a way to connect with it that felt right to me. Into my teenage years I felt what many would refer to as a "calling." A need to follow a path as a teacher of the Divine, but of course as a teenager and not even being able to find my own connection I ignored this until at 18 a friend lead me into a Pentecostal church. This was like no other experience I had ever had before, I felt more of a sense of people trying to find that connection then just sitting in pews and listening to some preacher drone on. I thought at the time this was the right way. So I completely enveloped myself in this belief system becoming what most in our society today would call a Fundamentalist, Born Again Christian. I became such a part of it that after a couple of years I decided to become a minister. So I began the training within the church.
It was at this point that all the doubts and misgivings I had felt along the way but repressed because of what they preached and my need to find spiritual answers began to manifest. The more they taught me, the more inner reflection I did, the more I became uncomfortable with what they taught and the whole belief system around it. This continued until every molecule of my being told me to run away. So disillusioned with the whole thing I quit the church and for a time remained to stunned by the experience to even think about religion or the Divine.
A short time later I meet my first group of "Pagans." And I use the " " marks for a reason. Where as a couple people in this group MAY have been serious about their beliefs, fpr the most part this group used the name Pagan as a cover for behavior that wasn’t so publicly acceptable at the time. I realized this after a time and became just as disillusioned with Paganism as I was with the Christian beliefs system.
It was at this point I decided that it was time for me to go out and find out for myself what was right for me and where the truth truly lay. So I began studying many different religions, attending meeting, doing a lot of research into Theology, origins of religion and comparative world religions. I read the reports from experts on all sides of every argument in every area connected to religion and spiritual belief systems and weighted all the true evidence. In the mean time I did a lot of meditation and soul searching to find out what I truly felt in my heart and what made the most sense to me. After 7 years of careful research and consideration I finally realized that the first group of Pagans I meet weren’t really Pagans and that the Pagan path was the right one for me, made the most sense and had the strongest foundation for belief. So I dedicated myself to the Pagan path and have been on it every since. I started off reading everything on Paganism I could find and at first walk the path of the Wiccans. I trained for a few years in a coven and was ordained as a priest there. At the same time I obtained my status as a legal priest through another theological institution. I realize at a point that it was time for me to move forward alone separate from a group. I have walked the solitary path.
Since then. I have continued my research and have grown into what I have become. I am what is called eclectic, which to me means I refuse to be closed into a box of a single belief system. I draw my personal belief system and connection to the Divine from many different belief systems and cultures from around the world. Today with the path I walk I feel more at peace then I ever have in my life. I feel fantastic about myself and what I believe and I walk in perfect love, perfect peace and perfect balance with the Divine and the world around me. I know I walk the right path for me.
Where other may try and preach to me that I am wrong and am being deceived by what they consider as some evil being. I know in my the core of my heart and spirit that I am right and that it is they who live in a great illusion.
I walk this earth as the incarnation of the Divine as a messenger of the One Source of all creation and I know what my mission is. To bring healing, wisdom, knowledge and truth to this realm and to this planet. To help tear down the walls of intolerance, hatred and ignorance and to help unite all peoples as one.

      Though I do follow my own path, one of the religious belief systems I relate to closely is that of Paganism. Because of this I work to help enlighten the public about the truth surrounding this path. There is an overwhelming amount of mis-information out in the public about Paganism. Between Hollywood's sensationalizing this belief system for movies and television and making all paganism seem like some mystical black magick cult. The Media reporting on Paganism from a bias viewpoint born of ignorance and mainstream religions telling out and out lies about Paganism and other alternative religions because we simply don’t share their beliefs. All of these things combined has caused the general public to form a very lope sided and false view of alternative religions and Paganism. Its hard to believe that there are still areas in this country, in the 21st century that those of alternative religions are afraid to be public about the beliefs. How absurd is it that most Americans still live in the Dark Ages when it comes to religion. It will take a concerted effort by people of alternative belief systems and knowledgeable people to break through the walls of mythology that surround these belief systems. I am one of those people that is out there working to tear down the walls of intolerance that is tearing our world apart.
As part of my work I make appearances on TV and radio programs to this end. Finally as part of my efforts I am including a F.A.Q. about Paganism that will give a well researched and honest view about these beliefs

Beginners Reading List